#1 Looking North toward Pocahontas Road

#2 Looking toward Northeast and Little Savage Mountain

#3 The McKenzie Farm behind our House

#4 Our Side Yard to our Upper Woods

I provide commentary on political economy, police and prosecutorial abuse, and whatever else might come to mind. Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24 (ESV)
very pretty. Reminds me of home in Upstate New York. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Looks like a normal New Hampshire winter. Except this winter--it's all gone south. Lucky us!
Yes, it looks very normal for us here in the Finger Lakes area of upstate New York.
An odd note from the weather man last week: our snowfall to-date is a bit above average. The odd thing is that we have not had any major storms yet; it has all accumulated from an inch here, a few there.
But often we get the worse of winter in February and March, so we will see.
Looks pretty dad! Are the kids out playing in it? Of course, this is old news for them...
It looks like the bathroom floor of Club 21 in NYC in the 1970s. Thanks for the memories!
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