
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Some Links to Cheer Us Up

I was doing a web search today and found the website Government Is Good. Now, I always love good satire and figured that whoever put up this thing was going to provide some laughs.

Whaddyaknow? This site is serious! It is put up by a professor of (What else?) politics at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, a bastion of Political Correctness in America's most Politically Correct state. If you read this site -- and it will take a long time, for this guy looks as though he has written this copy for years -- you will discover that GOVERNMENT GIVES US RIGHTS!! According to Prof. Douglas J. Amy, Americans were not free until the government was created in 1787.

Better yet, he claims that the U.S.S.R. (on this 20th anniversary of the demise of the Berlin Wall) failed because it could not adequately tax-and-spend. I am not kidding. You can read it here.

So, the next time you read about police busting into a house, shooting up the family dogs, and maybe killing innocent people, rejoice. Yes, Douglas Amy will tell you that those hooligans are protecting your rights!!

MEANWHILE, THE DEA IN MEMPHIS recently arrested a childhood friend of mine on a charge of illegally writing prescriptions. Now, lest anyone think I have been unfair calling mainstream news organizations whores of the Department of Justice (sic), notice that the article used by this news organization was a DOJ press release.

Why take the time to write "news" copy when government agents will do it for you? Yes, not only does government "protect our freedoms" by arresting us, but the media proudly trumpets the First Amendment by pretending that government PR is "freedom of speech."

I will be writing more about this case in the future, but for now let me just say that from what I already know, it provides more proof that the U.S.S.A. is a place there liberty, justice, and simple fairness no longer have much, if any, of a constituency.

Happy Reading!

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