
Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Prosecution Accuses the DEFENSE of Lying?

Chris Arnt and Len Gregor believe that a good defense is a good offense, and when they are put on the defensive (that is, when their dishonest tricks are exposed), then they go on the offensive. Yesterday, they accused the defense of lying.

I already have explained the situation that brought Det. Tim Deal to the stand in order to paper over the huge holes the prosecution created for itself when Suzi Thorne testified that after she had turned off the video camera in an interview with one of the children, she went to her office.

The child came up later, according to Thorne, and suddenly "disclosed" an alleged sexual abuse incident involving Tonya Craft. Thorne, who did not turn on the video camera or take notes, claimed that a detective was nearby, and yesterday, Deal claimed to have been the detective, and that the "incident" was in the notes the prosecution gave the defense.

Here is how the Times-Free Press describes Deal's testimony:
On Tuesday, Suzie Thorne, a former forensic interviewer at the GreenHouse Children's Advocacy Center in Dalton, Ga., testified that the girl had been even more explicit in another taped interview conducted about month after Ms. Long's.

But Ms. Thorne acknowledged that the girl's detailed statements about what she said had happened between her and Ms. Craft were not on videotape, nor had Ms. Thorne written the statements down.

In an apparent effort to bolster Ms. Thorne's testimony, the prosecution called Catoosa County Sheriff's Office Detective Tim Deal, the lead investigator on the case, to the stand Wednesday. The detective testified that he was in the room with Ms. Thorne when the child made her detailed statement.

Prompted by Catoosa County Assistant District Attorney Len Gregor, the detective read part of his report of the incident, telling the jury he had written down the child's statement.

Mr. Gregor asked Detective Deal if he thought the defense attorneys were lying Tuesday when they said they hadn't received a copy of the detective's report. (emphasis mine)

"I don't know," Detective Deal said. "I would like to hope they were making a mistake."
This is amazing. This is a prosecution that has managed -- with the overt help of Judge Brian House -- to keep out evidence that demonstrated that two of the mothers of the "victims" (Lord, give me a break here) lied on the witness stand. This is a prosecution that has taunted Ms. Craft when her own child was brought out to testify against her.

This is a prosecution that has relied on "expert" witnesses who are anything but experts, including a lead "investigator" who does not even have a college degree nor any other credentials, not to mention that NONE of the "interviewers" ever read any of the available literature on their supposed profession. These "expert" witnesses are about as reliable as were Steven Hayne and Michael West when they testified in Mississippi and Louisiana before the curtain came down on their dishonest show.

This is a prosecution -- operating with the help of House -- that has made sure that witnesses for the prosecution and their supporters do not have to go through security at the Catoosa County Courthouse and, unlike everyone else including the media representatives, are permitted to bring in cell phones, food, reading material, and anything else they want. This is a prosecution that claimed not to have a piece of exculpatory evidence when asked by the defense for it, only to turn over this same piece of evidence at discovery.

Yes, this is a prosecution that asks a detective who clearly is lying under oath if the defense is lying. This speaks for itself.


Anonymous said...

Yes, a bunch of liars!!!

Anonymous said...

And now a prosecution witness has "alledgedly" (They have her on caller ID) called the Catoosa Coounty cable television station complaining of biased coverage. An obvious violation of the gag order! Wonder what House will make of that? He's already so deep in mistakes that will lead to reversal of any conviction, that if the defense decides to bring it up he'll most likely dismiss it. Id love for the defense to get a chance to bring her back to the stand to explain that one...

Anonymous said...

I think we all need to pray that the jury is full of intelligent people who can see through all the smoke and mirrors that the prosecution is pulling in this case. Surely, they can see the lies, surely they can tell from the belligerent answers and body language of the witnesses, the so called "experts". Surely they can see that the judge by overruling every objection of the defense is doing all he can to handcuff them.

The sad thing is that if they ignore all that is in front of them and convict her, once they read all that they weren't suppose to while on jury duty, they will probably all change their minds. How many times have I seen on 20/20 or 48 hours, where after a case, a jury finds out pertinent info and says they would have voted differently if they had heard it during the trial. Wonder how they will feel when they find out, they had to go through security, leave their cell phones at home or in their car, can't have anything to read, eat, etc. yet the "victims" families are allowed to do all of the above. I have been in court, where you wait all day for your case to come up and you can't even bring in a book to help pass the time, yet these people can do whatever. And if they aren't going through security, what is to stop them from bringing in a weapon?

tandt said...

That is what scares me! The whole reason why courthouses began putting in metal detectors was to protect ALL citizens from overzealous people. It's sad when my 14 year old can see how wrong that is. Someone could be going into the courthouse for a marriage license and up dead or wounded. Crazy stuff!

tl said...

I was thinking the same thing... What if they bring in a weapon... Folks there is an innocent woman on trial here, so who is the real victim in this case??? Tonya Craft! I encourage all of you to send letters to the Ga state bar association. The addresses are posted in the comments section of a previous blog!!! If enough of us contact them, I don't see that they have any choice but to investigate!!! Those of us who are not involved with the case need to do our parts as citizens and protect our own, as the DA and ADA have shown they have no intention of protecting the innocent!!!

tandt said...

Letters are being sent by a great deal of my friends in the community. I have a very large # of friends and yesterday I finally had enough and posted something on my fb. I have received many private emails asking what to do.
I am meeting with several friends (all of which I must say are moms of daughters) on Tuesday for a brainstorming session. One of the ideas is to have a silent march on the courthouse. Nothing to show Tonya's name or to get the defense in any trouble. Just something to show our support and to show our disappointment of the people, we taxpayers, pay for. We are all homeowners in the county.
Any ideas? I have people who are willing to take off work for this. It's amazing what God is doing on Tonya's side.

Allison said...

It is amazing how what is ok for the prosecution to do is a terrible offense for the deffense to do and what they are claiming they did. I had heard about what a prick Judge House long before he was a judge. I made it clear to everyone that I would not be voting for him to be a judge. Unfortunatly he is now a judge and I use that term loosly.

I feel so bad for Tonya Craft. I pray to God nothing like this happens to me or my family in Catoosa County (or anywhere). Catoosa County is full of crooked cops/attorneys/judges. I would say it would be hard for anyone to get a fair trail if accused of such crimes. I pray the jury will see through the lies and manipulation and see the prosecution for what they are lying bottom feeders disguised as protectors of the community who feed on such cases to make themselves look like good.


Anonymous said...

I need some clarification. Didn't child #1 say that she went to the door and walked down the hall as she told the interviewer about the alleged abuse? Now, the interviewer is saying that she went to her desk and then the child come over and told her about alleged abuse. Am I understanding that correctly? or am I misunderstanding???

Anonymous said...

Det. Deal just had the audacity to sit on the stand and say he didn't want this to turn in to a "witch hunt." WOW! How do these people sleep at night? We might as well be in Salem...

Anonymous said...

If Tim Deal is the best Catoosa County has, they should go down tot he Warner Park Zoo and hire a monkey. Same can be said for the Judge and his ADA buddies. In fact you could have a monkey court instead of a kangaroo court.

Anonymous said...

he said, "witch hunt?" he must be reading this blog...

Anonymous said...

Deal said he believes the truth is easier for a child to remember than something that has been fabricated...
Well, duh!!! Obviously... that is why the alleged victims can't get their story straight or remember what or when it took place... i think trying to remember lies is difficult for adults too... MT

Denise C. said...

Unfortunately for the kids, adults have told them what the truth is. the kids have been told what happened to them, that is why they don't remember it. I do find it curious that Det. Deal testified that at the end of the interview with one child, Deal said time to go and the child wanted to stay and color. I would think that the whole ordeal of the interview process would have been emotionally exhausting for the child, if indeed the child was molested and I don't believe she had been, and would want to leave and get back to the safety of her mother.

Allison said...

Wondering why you took the other post down. Hope you were not threatened?

Anonymous said...

This is a link to print the form required to file a complaint against House. For EVERYONE who is interested!!! Let's not stand back and watch this injustice happen and just wonder what can be done!!!

tandt said...

Allison, I was wondering the same thing.

Denise C. said...

So was I.

Anonymous said...

I was in court when Suzi testified. If NONE of the witnesses are supposed to be in the courtroom - WHY was Tim Deal sitting on the front row? Further, right before her "amnesia" the sheriff walked in and stood by the back door - intimidation? She was visibly nervous at that point and began taking all the blame etc. Why can he be in the courtroom listening to everyone when he's a witness? I also think it was VERY intimidating for the little liars to know that their parents could HEAR/SEE etc. what thy were saying on the stand because they had Twitter etc. in their waiting area. The eruption of joy and laughter was heard all over the courthouse when the children would finish testifying - sounded like a football game. I would be crying and devastated for my child (as Tonya was!) if they went through something so traumatic, not cheerful. (Sorry to rant on so many things) Its just VERY confusing how one thing is good for one group and so different for the defense.

To the person that asked if anyone would take off for a walk etc. I cant on a Monday but would be happy to otherwise. I wondered about a prayer breakfast or some type of prayer gathering.

Denise C. said...

Me and my daughter plan on going up there Monday to sit in. I just have to see this circus with my own eyes. To the person trying to organize, please keep us informed of anything. I would like to help and I am sure my family would too. We don't have a lot of money but we do have time to give.

Dan said...


from an earlier comment of mine...

Watch the WRCBtv video coverage from last night. Their legal analyst, an ex-ADA, says that the "local tradition", in this judicial circuit, is to allow a single prosecution witness (apparently this is usually the lead investigator) to see and hear all prior testimony before he/she testifies.

This is apparently for the "orderly organization and presentation of the case, which was great when you are an assistant DA, but very irritating when you are defense counsel."

The reporter goes on to say there have been some cases that bring into question the fairness of this "tradition" and there is pending legislation to make it a real law instead of a tradition.

The defense (of course) does not enjoy the same tradition.

Allison said...

If I choose to go tomorrow to sit in - is there a certain you have to be there or anything I should know beforehand?

Keith said...

First, let me say that I don't know anyone involved in the community. I'm actually from Marion County just west of Chattanooga and live in another part of Georgia now. I remember when this story hit the newswire back a couple of year ago. Recently, I saw a Facebook page created for Ms. Craft and that's where I got my background on this story. Then, I read this blog and got even more insight. The reason i'm giving my background on this is because I want to give a perspective from someone outside the area who is observing the story. After reading the latest Tweets and news stories from the trial, I'm convinced there is a conspiracy here.
For the record, I absolutely think child molesters in any form are the lowest of the scum of the earth and should be put away or even subject to capital punishment. I do not think Ms. Craft is guilty of what she is charged with. Nothing in regards to what the prosecution calls evidence seems sound. I'm no expert in court procedure or law, but even I can tell this is one the most wacked-out prosecution attempts imaginable.
The three prosecution witness testimonies that I have seen so far present big red flags to me. Stacy Long and Susy Thorne are both supposed to be "professionals", yet both come across as amateurish. Thorne doesn't seem to be qualified to be an interviewer, let alone make decisions on what questions to ask. She apparently can remember specifics about the questions she asked the children. How is it she cannot remember the deputy's name who "took notes" when the child returned after remembering something? Why should her testimony be considered credible? You have to assume that she has worked with deputies in the past and would remember who it was. The child made no mention of molestation in the first interview. Magically, off camera and with no record of it, the child allegedly remembers "something else"?
Then there is detective Deal. I don't think I have ever seen a more incomplete detective. He apparently remembers what the child told Thorne off-camera. It sounds too convenient to me. Deal also had several leads he chose not to rundown. He didn't force an interview with a parent regarding a child-on-child abuse situation. He didn't interview one of the prosecution's main witnesses, Sherry Wilson, who claims a child told her about an encounter with Ms. Craft.

So i'm left to wonder, after watching this circus, why it is Ms. Craft is getting railroaded? Is this really one parent's vendetta against a teacher? Does one person in that county have that kind of power? Someone please tell me what i'm missing.

Anonymous said...

yes, i was wondering where that other post went as well and anxiously awaiting that afternoon post where you unleash some more much needed info...

Harmony Edwards said...

Did anyone just catch the tweet from melydia clewell? Doctor that testified signed off on SANE reports 3 months AFTER Tonya was arrested. Wow, as my granpa would say somethings getting pretty thick.

Anonymous said...

Okay, this whole thing is totally freaking me out. We haven't lived in Ringgold for very long. It seems like such a nice place! The schools are good and everyone is so nice! Has the criminal justice system here always been this corrupt?? When did all this start??

Dan said...

From twitter:

JLukachick Going back in the courtroom, the det. just called #TonyaCraft supporters her cronies as he points to the side of the room their sitting on

I think detective Deal should read the definition of Cronyism.

While he is at it, he should read this one too.

Anonymous said...

Please! Where is that post?

Anonymous said...

I am seriously considering moving from Ringgold. This scares me.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to check the connection between Tim Deal & Dewayne/Sherry Wilson. Tim worked For them at Angel Ambulance. Years ago.

tandt said...

First of all, I will keep everyone informed on whatever we decide to do. Prayer breakfast sounds good too & I can arrange for Channel 3 to cover it.

Second, Catoosa County has been this way for the 30 years I have lived here. My step-father grew up here and had 54 years of experience and he said it was always corrupt. Don't get me wrong, I love it here to an extent and the schools are better than crossing over the state line, but we have some serious problems with our judicial system.

Third, unfortunately, there are people with enough "power" to do this. It is small town politics at its finest. Just a little money & you can get whatever you want.

Also, I had some dealings with the CAC a few years ago. During a bbq at a friend's house, the smaller children, ages 4 & 5, helped themselves to a camera & took pictures of each other naked. Nothing dirty, in fact, you could tell they were just being silly kids. The CAC, Walker County Sherrif's dept and LaFayette PD pushed so hard to get these little girls to say that something happened to them & that an adult took the pics. They even went as far as trying to do a physical exam on the girls at the CAC. The girls were screaming & crying. They knew "good touch, bad touch", and they thought they were getting "bad touched" by these people while their families were sitting there. That is when I did some research trying to figure out why they would be so hell-bent on getting children to say something bad happened when it didn't. That is when I discovered the financial aspect. As Bill Anderson discusses many times in his blogs, the Mondale Act is to blame. For every time they even get a child to say something happened, they receive funds. Now they will lie about this, but it is a fact. I see the same thing happening with this & it blows my mind. It is time we take a stand!

kbp said...

Anon 2:50

What post?

William L. Anderson said...

On advice of someone with a strong legal background, I took down an earlier post that I had put up this morning.

I don't put anything in my blog that I cannot verify from someone who is credible, but the adviser told me that I needed to have something that was of a less, well, harsh tone. So I did.

Anonymous said...

There was a new article posted by Bill Anderson after "The Prosecution Accuses the DEFENSE of Lying" but I didn't have time to read it when I initially saw it. Now that I'm back to read the information, it is gone! I was just wondering what happened to the post.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, tandt, for your reply! I hadn't ever heard of the Mondale act. I found this on another website: "According to the Mondale Act, if an evaluator does not report suspected abuse and the child goes back to an abusive situation, the evaluator can be imprisoned." Yikes! And that's a federal law.

tandt said...

Thank you Mr. Anderson for commenting. You know, with the way things are going, you had people worried. I fielded about 20 text messages asking for an update from people who have been following your blog, but didn't have access to it because of work or out & about. Don't worry us like that again! :-)

William L. Anderson said...

Well, I probably did not use the best judgment. I was upset and although I believe every word I wrote, nonetheless I will hold onto it for the time being.

I just put up another post.

tandt said...

I totally understand. When the system that is supposed to work for us is working against us, it's hard not to get angry.

William L. Anderson said...

Heck, I put two up this afternoon. Time to give it a rest and do my day job! (I'm in my office and would just as soon be here until 9. I love my family, but evenings in the office are a great time to get work done!!)