
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An Open Letter to Area Teachers

[Update, Wednesday 10:10 AM]: Tonya may appear on the witness stand today, although it is up in the air. Laurie Evans (as a hostile witness) and David Craft are scheduled for today, and we shall see when their testimony is done.

[End Update]

I wish to keep this brief, but at the same time, I hope that a lot of area teachers will be in the Catoosa County Courthouse to stand with Tonya Craft when she testifies this week. (The latest news is that she is going to testify on Thursday.)

Keeping that in mind, however, whenever she testifies, it will be brutal. Her attorneys, who have shown a lot of class throughout this difficult trial, will treat her well. Unfortunately, she will have to face two misogynists, Len Gregor and Chris Arnt, who will brutalize her beyond belief.

Because Judge "He's on Cross" House has placed no limited upon whatever the prosecution can ask (while putting handcuffs on the defense), you can bet that the Dishonest Duo will be at their full, women-hating selves. After all, the expert witnesses have flat out told them that their analysis is wrong, that Tonya Craft is not a child molester, and that the CAC "interviewers" did a terrible and wrong-headed job.

Now, most reflective people, having been told by some of the most important experts in the country that they are in error, would step back and examine what they have done. However, the very fact that the experts have demonstrated the folly of their charges only has enraged Arnt, Gregor, and House, and so they will take their revenge out on Tonya.

How DARE she defend herself! How DARE she bring in witnesses who might contradict the CAC? How DARE she say she is not guilty!

With that in mind, Gregor, who in my view is as dishonest and evil a prosecutor as I ever have seen -- and I have done battle with Mike Nifong -- will be in Tonya's face the entire time, screaming at her that she is a child molester. He will screech things like, "Did it feel good to stuck your finger in your child's privates?" and worse. He will call her a narcissist.

In fact, Gregor will do everything but ask substantive questions. He already knows his charges are a lie, but he wants a conviction because he is the self-described "Man," and "The Man" does not lose, period.

Gregor and Arnt hate women, period. They enjoy attacking Tonya, and they enjoy bullying someone they perceive as being weaker.

As teachers, you know that is wrong, and you know that Chris Arnt and Len Gregor are a stench upon humanity. You cannot keep these misogynists from spewing hateful words (and House openly will encourage them to engage in this shocking behavior), but you can be in that courtroom, and you can let Tonya Craft and her family know that you don't approve of what is happening.

Tonya is innocent. Had decent human beings instead of Arnt and Gregor been in charge of this trial (and they ARE running the show; House is just their puppet), the charges would have been dropped long ago. The expert witnesses are united in their belief that this trial is a sham and Arnt and Gregor should go away. Furthermore, I have seen a huge amount of support for the disbarment of these animals, and I can tell you that I will be recruiting a lot of people for this effort.

While your presence probably won't affect the outcome of the trial, you still can send a message. What has happened in that courtroom over the past four weeks has been a disgrace, a sorry spectacle of bullies being protected by someone who clearly is not fit to be a judge. Furthermore, if today's proceedings are any indication, Gregor and Arnt will try to bully you, too. Bailiffs will roam the courtroom, trying to see if they can arbitrarily kick out whomever they choose.

But, you can strike a blow for decency simply by BEING THERE. That is the key. You cannot make House, Arnt, and Gregor act like law-abiding officers of the court; they made the decision long ago that the law did not apply to them. But you can be there and stand for something decent, and stand for something good because you are decent, even if those entrusted with following the law actually despise you and the law they supposedly enforce.


Anonymous said...

While it is commendable to ask that teachers support Tonya during her testimony by attending court on that day, (whenever that may be), most teachers have classes to teach since school is still in session.

Anonymous said...

What I would like to know, where are the Dad's in this all?
Mr. Wilson and Mr. Lamb.

Have the Lambs filed for Divorce over this? Is he the father that doesn't believe his daughter was molested? Is this why they are getting a divorce?

Where are the dads??

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher in Catoosa County and this trial enrages me. I will definitely be there to show my support of Tonya. Tonya is now scheduled to take the stand on THURSDAY. Please make arrangements to be there. As teachers and mothers, the ruling in this case effects us deeply. I would encourage as many of you who can take a personal day to be there so that you can observe the court for yourself.

Anonymous said...

relaiable info tells me she will be on stand thursday. Her husband and one other witness will be called first

William L. Anderson said...

Yeah, I need to make that change. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am also a teacher in Catoosa County and I think this trial is alot like OJ's. He did it, but was not convicted because the defense convinced the jury that the investigation was flawed. If I were sitting on the jury I would have to say that I have reasonable doubt, enough to acquit, but my gut says she did it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:21

So she was a teacher for 15 years and all of a sudden she just broke bad and started molesting kids? People like you scare the shit out of me.

Anonymous said...

Well, I will be there tomorrow and i will be there Thursday, friday. she needs support everyday. those prosecutors are are horrible and have not done there job.

Anonymous said...

Teachers BEWARE!! This could easily happen to you. Everyone needs to get with Anderson and file these complaints. I know I am gaithering a number of people in Walker County and Catoosa County to file with Anderson. All it takes in Catoosa County is an allegation. Then the dishonest duo who run the county will go with it. The worm always turns and I believe it has now. We will all fight for the justice of the county and the corruptness of the court to be ousted.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:21
so you don't think this investigation is flawed. So you think that a child that supposely was fisted didn't need to see a doctor. I wouldn't want you to teach my children.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:21
It is not about gut feelings. I have been in court and no evidence has been shown except the kids saying she did it after there parents talk with them. the first call was made and never was anything about Tonya metioned. Even in the first interview her name never came up.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:21, wow! Really?! I curious as to what evidence that the state has presented has convinced you of her guilt...aside from your gut instinct that is. I don't mean to badger you at all, but I am just plain dumbfounded at your conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:21

After all the extenuating circumstances and the testimony of the greatest minds in the country on the case testifying the way they did . . . . and your gut says she did it?
And you teach our children . . . wow . . . that's a scary thought.

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher, and I will be there.

People Anon 9:21 probably hasn't watched the news or tweeted or read any research - I agree, I would never want my child in his/her classroom. This kind of narrow minded ignorance is an abomination.. it is absolutely absurd that 4 doctors TELLING everyone that the exams by an Assoc. degree holding LPN with NO education in the field of abuse were wrong and the paid lackeys were right - it isn't even worth getting your danders in a ruffle. He/she is a troll. Anyone who talks to Tonya for 10 seconds knows she didn't do it. No one did if you ask me - and if ANYONE molested her own wasn't her.

dmk said...

I'm not a teacher, just someone who sees this injustice for what it is, but I am going to try to attend for the first time. Arnt and Gregor are simply punks that "need a knot jerked in their tail" as my father used to so eloquently (and effectively) put it if you were lucky enough to get a warning while acting out 1/1000th as bad as they have. If just by sitting there silently (and seething inside no doubt) I can support Tonya and let those two total wastes of humanity know another set of eyes sees what they are doing and another set of ears hears the lies they are spewing, then I am going to do whatever I can to try to make it happen.

Anonymous said...

I would like to have a part in getting rid of the sick trio but I live in TN. Do you have a plan? Will there be a website where everyone can go to get organized on what to do? If enough people are involved our elected officials will listen. is a good example of how to organize this kind of effort. It isn't about child abuse but it is about joint effort to get the job done. The good part is everyone is anonymous with only a screen name. Just a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:21 is the problem with our educational system. Put that "teacher" in a meritocracy and he/she doesn't last a week. People with closed minds should not be allowed to mold future generations.

Anonymous said...

Tonya will take the stand on Thursday. I can't imagine having to face Arnt and Gregor in this obvious biased court. I can't imagine what House is going to let them get away with. The defense team can't defend Tonya because "he will be on cross." I'm sure that some bad things in Tonya's past will come out, but remember we all have things that we have done and regret. I know that everyone has done things that we would rather not expose. Tonya's have to be exposed and explained to the nation, but ours don't have to be examined by everyone following this case. Our day will come, but at least it will be in front of the One who is a Fair Judge. Please pray for Tonya as she takes the stand. She is having her judgement day here on earth with human judges, not a Godly Judge.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:21
I am a 63 year old man and I still have enough sense to see this for what it is. A travesty. This woman is innocent and the trial is a sham. I don't know her and I don't have a dog in this hunt except for justice.
My gut says you're an idiot.

William L. Anderson said...

To 9:21

Fine. Would you like to be convicted without evidence? Would you like to be in a trial in which the judge and the prosecutors are joining forces to keep exculpatory information from the jury?

Tell me this. What about the testimony of the experts who have pointed out the shoddy and wrongful interviewing techniques? Do you realize that if they interviewed your own children in that manner, that after a few months, they would be having "disclosures" of you doing all sorts of horrible and perverted things?

Learn about the past cases like this. If you really think she is guilty, please explain to me what evidence you have seen presented. Is it the "recovered memories" of Joal Henke and Suzi Thorne? Do you really expect me to believe that a child would disclose something explosive to an investigator, and she would do NOTHING to memorialize it?

Give me a break. I have followed cases like this for years, and this really is the worst one I have seen in terms of NO evidence. Given the people behind this caper, I am not surprised.

An OJ verdict? Right.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:21

and . . . she PASSED (2) TWO lie detector tests . . . . moron

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:21

and she passed TWO (2) lie detector tests . . . . moron

Anonymous said...

I happen to know Tonya doesn't care about what happens to her. Her mission is to get her kids away from Joel. Now thats a real mother.

Anonymous said...

EVEN if Tonya's sole mission is to take her kids away from her ex-- that STILL doesn't make her a child molester. But, nice try.

Anonymous said...

In this county, all it takes is an accusation and you are fired. Very scary! Let's show Ms. Craft that we support her efforts. If she can't get a fair trial then noone in Catoosa County can (since the great and powerful Arnt and Gregor have made it very clear that it takes a lot of money to get real experts instead of the "so called local experts")

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:21 Please take an antacid, your gut is screwing up your brain.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to indicate she is a molester, for I know she is not. I'm trying to convey that she is such a good mother she cares more for her children than herself. Tonya will prevail here no doubt. I even think she will become very succesful in life after this she is young and can bounce back for she has plenty of years left. The ones I feel for the most is her parents. I happen to know them both very well. This ordeal has taken its toll on them. They are in the third quarter of life. Tony her father, I know this has really taken a toll on. I feel for him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:21
I hope your not a Civics teacher!
When I first heard of this, I first thought "she must be a monster" (I don't know Tonya) But, then I read, and read, and formed my on conclusions, based on evidence! How can you believe, based of the states case, she did this? It's reprehensible what is happening, I hope it's not you next!!

Anonymous said...

Poster 921,

The OJ reference is a smoke screen.

I doubt the person is even a teacher, but rather someone close to the prosecution side trying to insight anger.

That, or someone who simply hasn't researched the facts related to the case.

Anonymous said...

It would be in Tonya's favor if the national media were back in the courtroom when she testifies. Maybe "click, clack & smack" will be better behaved???? (If that is even possible) Think Callie & Melydia can get them back by Thursday?

Kathy R said...

My hope is some good comes from all of this. My prayer is that the people who are in the position to examine and interview children lose their jobs and that the people who have the power to prosecute lose theirs. I say clean House and start a new with qualified examiners / interviewers and a prosecution team that fights for truth and justice. We need a prosecution team that we can trust to keep the streets safe from criminals. I have lost all faith. This is America men and women are dying for our rights..sad sad sad. Guilty until proven innocent and no way to defend your self because your not allowed to when sustained is all you hear. You can bet my son will know who William Anderson is. A warrior in the fight for truth, justice and the American way, a true role model.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 21,
When I was 7 or 8 years old a little girl spent the night with me and tried to play dirty..I pushed her off of me! It happened again the next year at camp...I got away from that little chick too.. If it was that bad in the 1970's, I can't imagine what kids raised in the Brittany Spears generation are like in regard to sexual curiosity. But one day Ms. Teacher, you could have a slumber party for your child..(assuming you have one), and what happened to me could transpire in YOUR home...And the child's parent could DECLARE THEIR child would NEVER do such a thing....and blame YOU! Yep...this could happen to any of us. All you need is a sexually explorative child and an a sue happy adult. WHO would be brave enough to let their children have sleep overs??? And with YOU being a teacher..(if you are)...You have to watch your every move even within the classroom now..YOU KNOW THAT! You can't be for real!!

Kathy R said...

Should have said overruled not sustained..sorry I'm tired long day @ work

Anonymous said...

Yeah anon. 21, can't be real. Tonya has lived every teacher's nightmare. This travesty is too close to home to people who work with children.

Anonymous said...

Can somebody please tell me the relevance of House's "He's on cross" charade? What does that mean?! Are the rules supposed to be different during a cross examination? Is that really the way it is supposed to work? Help!

Karey Jones said...

I live over 6 hours away and have been following the case since first watching the segment on the Today Show. I will not be able to be in court for Mrs. Craft, however, she will be in my heart and prayers when she takes the stand. (Although she has been in my entire families prayers across the US throughout this trial.)

I have friends in Chattanooga and have contacted most of them regarding what is going on nearby. All of them (two of which are teachers themselves) are planning to attend the trial on Thursday afternoon.
Tonya -
You are innocent - We know you are innocent - and people all across the nation are praying for you and will continue to fight for your innocence.

For the Lookout Mtn/Catoosa County voters. If these men happen to make it to another election (lord help our judicial system if they do) - You MUST get out and VOTE! Take control of your town and make sure this does not happen AGAIN.

With all this - I will also say that my prayers also go out to the children involved in this case. Such a travesty to see what they have been put through...and when it comes from the hand of your mother/father - the scars are for a lifetime! I pray for you!

Thanks for keeping this blog and helping bring National expsoure to this trial.

Dan said...

Dr. Anderson's appeal to teachers applies equally to mothers and fathers.

What you are seeing in Tonya's case is not only the result of an outrageous manipulation, but also something that should scare mother's and fathers everywhere

The greater fear is having a primal reaction (to an alleged sexual predator) used to the advantage of officials, sworn to uphold the very trust you place in them, for personal gain.

That is just one of the underlying abominations here.

True predators, need to be handled with all expediency and righteousness the law can provide. But to play on the raw emotions that consume a loving parent and their community... when it is so evident that the charges are baseless or (worse) contrived?!

Well that just sticks in my craw.

Victoria said...

I have a 6 and 4 year old. We have never had a sleep over yet. I had already dreaded what I would do if my kids were invited to sleep over somewhere because of the possibility that something could happen to them and I wouldn't be able to protect them or know about it. After this case, I now fear the day when my kids ask to have their friends sleep over at our house. What a frightening thought to be falsely accused of such a thing. What do you do - invite the parent's to sleep over as well? I am also rethinking any and all interactions with children such as volunteering in my kids classes. We have trusted female sitters for our kids that watch our kids in our house, but I would never take that risk of watching other kids myself after this case. It only takes one accusation to start the witch hunt. It could happen to anyone.

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher and yes, I live with this fear everyday. All it takes is for one student to get mad at you and make up a story. Just like Tonya, your career and even your life are suddenly ruined and there is nothing that you can do about the situation. Students come up and hug teachers all day long. The teacher is in a difficult situation for fear that they are the only ones to accept a hug from this child. No one knows the situation that a lot of these kid live through each day, especially in this area. Some of them (I know for a fact) only eat when they are fed breakfast and lunch at school. One can only imagine what else they have to deal with at home. My gut feeling when the story broke was that she was innocent. It has never changed, just got stronger. I was there today and will be unable to attend anymore. But, I will be there in spirit and praying for her continously.

Lookout Spy said...

There's been a lot of questions regarding examination and cross examination of witnesses. GA code was recently overhauled in 2005 and 2006 to conform for the most part, to the Federal Rules of Evidence. I've included a link to a review made by the Georgia Bar, and some excerpts of particular rules of evidence in testimony which apply to witness testimony. Don't bust any vessels folks, but the DA's office has committed so many violations of evidentiary rules that it's extremely doubtful Ms Craft could be said to be getting a fair trial. The worst part though, is the Judge generally decides what is allowable; however there can be found what is called abuse of discretion on appeal. Good luck with the facts.

§ 24-2-1. Relevancy required
Evidence must relate to the questions being tried by the jury and bear upon them either directly or indirectly. Irrelevant matter should be excluded.

§ 24-9-20. Testimony of criminal defendant
(a) No person who is charged in any criminal proceeding with the commission of any indictable offense or any offense punishable on summary conviction shall be compellable to give evidence for or against himself.
(b) If a defendant in a criminal case wishes to testify and announces in open court his or her intention to do so, the defendant may so testify in his or her own behalf. If a defendant testifies, he or she shall be sworn as any other witness and may be examined and cross-examined as any other witness. The failure of a defendant to testify shall create no presumption against him or her, and no comment shall be made because of such failure.

§ 24-9-62. Treatment of witness
It shall be the right of a witness to be examined only as to relevant matter and to be protected from improper questions and from harsh or insulting demeanor.

§ 24-9-63. When leading questions allowed generally; discretion of court
Leading questions are generally allowed only in cross-examination. However, the court may exercise discretion in granting the right to the party calling the witness and in refusing it to the opposite party when, from the conduct of the witness or other reason, justice shall require it.

§ 24-9-64. Right of cross-examination
The right of a thorough and sifting cross-examination shall belong to every party as to the witnesses called against him. If several parties to the same case have distinct interests, each may exercise this right.

Anonymous said...

I also am a teacher (nearly 25 years). I do not consider myself a genius or an expert, nor do I display a license to practice medicine of any kind. I have been referred to as a professional or having a profession, so I guess I can admit I have an education, a couple of college degrees, life experiences, etc. However,the only thing my gut has ever told me was that I have "gas". Since most of us know intestinal "gas" usually comes from something foul and rotten, I do feel qualified in agreeing with my gut feelings also. Whenever my mind shifts to this accusation, my stomach starts churning and rolling with a mixture of emotions. My fight or flight instincts kick in, which I believe is a response to a stressful event. I have no connection to the families involved so why do I feel so sickened by this situation? The behavior of the prosecution, the state witnesses, the self-appointed experts, the sheriff's departments, the parents and wanna be parent of the children involved and the parasitic families who attached themselves to the children to accomplish "God-only knows what" have been so off of the hook that I have to shake my head sometimes to remember what the trial is about.

I am not the least bit worried about the prosecution shaking Tonya's resolve when she takes the stand. They have no idea of the strength of a woman like her. She has already lost her life, has been stripped of all material things, been forced to turn her flesh and blood over to unfit adults, and lived thru hell on earth. She has nothing left to lose. The fact that she has walked thru fire and is still sitting proud and tall in this trumped up situation is a display of her intestinal fortitude. Her physical strength does not hold a candle to her maternal strength. She will fight for the life of her children to her death. That is what a real mother does. It is no act. She is not in this for the entertainment value and the media exposure. This is something the "gotta be right brothers" do not and can not understand. No mother understands it either. We just know it.
So good luck on your cross, guys. She will eat your lunch. (she might even pick up the tab for you since ya'll are so interested in meal expenses) You can also give yourself credit for this bite of public humiliation she is about to feed you. You flipped the switch when you bullied her with your careless remarks in front of her child during her testimony. (And you guys profess you are all about protecting the delicate minds of the children.) The emotional breakdown she displayed during those moments of heartbreak was the last moment of weakness you will see. She is now wearing the armour of God--just try to pierce her with your adolescent rantings.

Kerwyn said...


The sad thing is, none of that applies to the horrors the judge has allowed the prosecution on cross. From unfounded salacious hyperbole, to questions NOT allowed the defense but allowed the prosecution.

The Lawyers I know that are watching this case are dumbfounded at not only the judge but the prosecution. We can only hope that the clowns called Arnt and Gregor have so alienated the jury that no person with common sense could convict this woman of these bogus lies

Kellie Graham said...

This is the stupidest trial! I mean really, no verifiable evidence, tapering by parents,investigators & interviewers with minimal training & experience. But yes really, our hard earned $$ are paying for the so-called investigation of this heresay. Has anyone ever seen "the hangover"? can I say ra-tard? Yes, I think so to all of Ringgold involved. :)

Dan said...

@12:00AM - she may even pick up the tab for lunch - best quote in these comments!

Lookout Spy said...

What really amazes me is that anyone who is a parent would find credible the idea that a woman would sexually molest her own daughter. What planet do these cretins hail from? Ms. Craft hardly fits the mold of a sexual deviant. A degreed professional, no criminal history, 15 years experience in her field, all thrown away by simple minded country bumpkins and a few dipwad attorneys who barely passed law school. Buzz Franklin is still playing the part of the three monkeys in his turtle shell. No see, no hear, no speak. Who does he think he's kidding? A coward if I ever saw or heard of one. He's the head monkey in this jurisdiction.

Lame said...

Actually, women do molest their own children. There was a segment on Oprah recently where they interviewed a convicted female sex offender who admitted to molesting her own daughter. Also, in my own town, just last month, a 16 year old boy was using his mom's cell phone when he found pictures of his mother sexually abusing his 10 year old sister. He was brave enough to turn the phone over to the police. There are literally dozens of cases in the past three years of women molesting their own children, and there are even books written on the subject. A woman has the same capacity for evil as a man as she has the capacity for good. In one case recently both the father and mother were abusing their adopted daughter and when the daughter disclosed, both parents were arrested and admitted what they did, and both were abusing without knowledge that the other was also abusing. So, yes women, mothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, teachers, coaches, care-takers, women of all walks of life DO commit sex crimes against children. That is why when I first started following this case two years ago I tought she did it. However, as more has come out about this case in the last two months I have begun to think that she didn't do this. There are times when a woman abuses a child and the evidence shows without a doubt that she did it. And then there are times when a woman is accused of abusing a child and the evidence shows that she might have done it. There are times when a woman is accused of abusing a child and the evidence she probably did not do it. Then there are times when a woman is accused of abusing a child and the evidence clearly shows she did not do it. I believe that in this case the evidence shows she probably did not do it. She hasn't been proven innocent, but the evidence and the way it was collected could never prove that she did. That is what makes this case so horrible for justice's sake. Because of the botched investigation, unless one of the children confesses to making things up, despite being found not guilty, she can never be declared completely innocent.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if someone named Wade C is connected with the prosecution? The following was posted on the Bad Bad Teacher website:

Wade C:
May 4, 2010 at 9:52 pm
ENOUGH with the Queen of White Trash! I had enough of Micheal Jackson last year and am sick of hearing about this pathetic farce! End the trial and burn the perverted witch!

Anonymous said...

Uhhh, anonymous 0921, your gut feeling just means you need to pass some gas. You've done that so now tell us all where you think some evidence has been shown to the court. I hope you retire at the end of this school year. We don't need gas passing teachers trying to teach our children.

Anonymous said...

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. If such was the case all the athiests would be correct.

I don't have a gut feeling on this. I have a suspician, based upon the circumstances, that the kids started the whole thing as lie to get their parents to stop yelling at them for touching each other.

Like I said, unless one of them comes forward about this, however, she can never be said to be without any fault. That is not likely to happen, because by now the kids have come to believe their own lies.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @ 2:39, cute little saying but you are wrong. I see evidence of my God every day. Don't know where you are looking but I would say an atheist is completely blind. I agree that this is probably something made up by three little girls that got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, literally. But if asked, I would have to say NOT GUILTY by inconsistant stories, improper interviews and vengeful adults. Not to mention a court proceeding that seems to be acting as if the verdict was in at the start and are just waiting for the bell to ring. As a citizen of Catoosa County I don't feel safe. I don't feel I'm being represented by honest men and women that are being paid to do their job professionally. I and my family intend to use our VOTE to reflect our feelings.

Lookout Spy said...

The law says in this country, one is innocent UNTIL proven guilty, not the other way around. These folks have come nowhere close to proving Ms. Craft's guilt. And sad, that some abuse their own children, but they are a different species from Tonya Craft.

Anonymous said...

To whomever equated this to the OJ trial. Firstly, the OJ defense worked furiously to keep evidence OUT of the trial, Ms Craft's defense team is working like hell to get as much of the states evidence IN as possible. Its the prosecution themselves that are attempting to keep it out. (For obvious reasons, that its flawed and shoddy) Pretty telling fact that their case is built on a house of cards! Oh and secondly, you're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

To Wade C,

Ok big brave guy/gal...why don't YOU crawl out from under your rock and light the match? Or are you just full of gas too? Most likey hot air. Your quick judgement and inability to read the evidence (not) is part of the reason we are having to deal with this farce. Or perhaps you just can't read. Or perhaps the evidence to read is not in existence.
I hope this case will teach everyone the importance of reading and researching the candidates before casting a vote in the future. I have heard we have other judges in this county who do not even have a college degree. (in anything) Can you imagine having people in charge of making life changing decisions serving in a capacity which requires complex issues, without the personal ambition to have accomplished some type of a higher education degree? We won't allow people to teach our children with out degrees in education, but yet we will hand over our lives and grandparent's estates to people without formal training. We won't even allow a plumber to work on our toilets without training and certificates. Perhaps our elected officers read a few books or attend an annual seminar.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lame,
Thank you for pointing out an example of a CASE WITH EVIDENCE. You did a wonderful job bringing clarification as to how this case has no evidence. "If the HAND doesn't fit you must acquit."

Nashville Musician

Anonymous said...

Anon: 2:39 An atheist doesn't want to see evidence of God. As 4:08 said, the evidence is all around us. You hit the nail on the head, this started as child on child and they had to blame someone, so Tonya became their victim. So, how can you say, she can never be said without fault? The evidence in this case does not add up at all. Yes, I am sure there will be those who won't believe what is right in front of their faces, because they have bought into the lies of these families, just as many here on earth buy into Satan's lies. Because of experience with this same justice system, I always try to come into cases like this with an open mind. I know how this bunch works and in this country, you are innocent until proven guilty and the state had not proven anything, except that the inmates are running the asylum!

Anonymous said...

I think the parents of these kids are monsters, but considering the testimony of Dr. Aldridge and certainly Dr. Bernet (sp) I also think that some bigger evil was at place. I think that Sandra - yes, the one who thinks she's all powerful - and the Wilson's were USED up by the LMJC. I think it was KBP that first brought up the point that just what if during the hysteria they took their kids to Laurie Evans who was just deemed nuts by her own doctor and needs a "big win" herself. What if the kids told a LITTLE lie to not get a beating for playing touchy feely and just so happened to have walked right into THEIR trap? These "officials" are no better than ambulance chasers. They lie and wait on some poor abused soul walks through the door and then they set the stage. I am in NO WAY defending the parents (I have a hard time beating up the kids for lying too much given that they were told and probably do believe this happened - based on the drs. testimony the crazy parents might by now too) What I do beat up on the parents for is - A. being malicious gossipers to begin with thinking they are too good to have curious children and B. targeting Tonya because they were mad about something else. However, wouldn't God give us a miracle if these idiots looked inside what's left of their rotting souls at at least said, "the DrS. could be right." They could TOTALLY save face because they really gave them an out. If the lawyers, judge CAC and investigators were in cahoots all these years - then these families could side with Tonya, say the good therapists did it and go after the state. (Yeah, I know I'm dreaming) They could ALL be millionaires and keep up the victim charade for the "True Hollywood Story". (I can't imagine that kid having an acting career now - I sure as hell wouldn't hire her if she's going to make up wild stories prompted or not and accuse people of molesting her. Not to mention, she's probably a drug problem just waiting to happen.) See, Sandra thinks Chris Arnt is her "good friend" but he is doing nothing more than using her (probably in bed too just like Joal Henke) for his own political game. I'd say Sheri Wilson knew the scam since her hubby works for the county (it was said they've done this before - they know how) and poor bankrupt Jerry and Kelli are just greedy and pathetic. They had an "out" handed to them. They should really take it. THAT would be excellent movie material. This whole ordeal is a farce and I'd love nothing more than to see them ALL get there, but to have the accusers turn on the state too would be poetic justice.

Kathy said...

Gender does not play a role in child molestation. Anyone be it male or female can be guilty of this ugly crime. What is unbelievable is the fact anyone can be arrest on the word of the so called experts @ the CAC and a Det such as Tim Deal who in my opinion should be demoted to road duty @ best but preferably gone altogether. When I was growing up I wanted to be a teacher..Thank you Lord for unanswered prayers. How sad is that and I wonder how many good people who would be wonderful teachers are going to think of this case and go in another career direction. Finances and grades prevented me from realizing my dream but this trial may prevent others. I went into another field one that only took 2 years and I thank God it is a career where I'm never alone with small children..they scare me more than the boogie man.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Lame, Btw...nice and appropriate name..

I think the poster you refer to went on to give excellent points as to why Tonya does not fit into the category you described. But you are right, women have molested their children. It is such a rarity, however, that I think the experts, such as the DEFENSE brought in, are NECESSARY to get to the bottom of cases such as this. I think the doctor from Emory (who by the way TRAINS other doctors in this area) and the Professor from Vanderbilt (who wrote the "Reference Bible on Child Sexual Abuse" -as it referred to by professionals...Anyway, I believe that my simple mind with no degree above a Masters of Education should and can defer to these individuals of higher knowledge and training. I think you should feel comfortable doing the same. Btw, Tonya, teachers from Marion County are praying for you!! (One day we want to meet you!!!)

Anonymous said...

that should have been "all get theirs" (7:41)

About Wade C - some people are just mean and I really have to wonder if they believe what they say or if they are just trying to throw chum in the water to see if we'll bite. He's probably the gas bags hubby.

I have to say, I did wake with a chuckle thinking about Arnt asking the dr. if he knew what a narcissist was - the dr. probably wrote the definition for the DSM-IV HAHA! I would have felt stupid asking him such a question and applaud the doctor for not coming back with the really smart aleck response Arnt opened the door to receive. I have never seen 2 more narcissistic men and poor Tim Deal sitting there wanting to be in their club so badly. He looks like the fat kid on the playground trying to hang out with the jocks. He's nuts if he thinks they don't make fun of his ass at night. Throw your books, slam your papers, stomp, point and raise your voice - everyone knows who's really playing for the camera. Comments like that just show how stupid they all think we are.

Denise C. said...

I just want to say that there are a lot of highly educated people posting comments here. I greatly respect their view on this trial. I would expect them to see the great injustice going on here. I think that fact that people with no more than a high school diploma, even high schoolers themselves can see what is going on here. I think that proves just how obvious this farce is. My 13 year old twins can see that Tonya is innocent and being treated unfairly. I think that says a lot.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:43-
Thank you! You said everything I was thinking! None of us are perfect, we all have skeleton's we dont want ANYONE, much less evil Prosecutors such as Gregor and Arnt, to hear or expose. The injustice that she has suffered sickens me. The Prosecutors and 'Judge' don't surprise me anymore, they only enrage me with everything they say and do. Tonya continues to amaze me with how she's maintained her strength, class, confidence and composure. But then again, an INNOCENT person would be able to maintain all of that.

I don't even know Tonya, I live in TN but I'd love to meet her, shake her hand and tell her how much I've prayed for her, cheered for her, told everyone I know (from here to Louisiana) about her trial, how strong she is, how much I admire her and how INNOCENT she is. I'm going to do my best to get down to Ringgold tomorrow to show my support.

Stephanie Y.
Dayton TN

Anonymous said...

I've never met you but I've followed your story since March 2010 when I saw it on Channel 3. I'm amazed at your strength. I admire you for how you've persevered through the living hell you've lived for the past 2 years. I have prayed for you, your children, family and friends everyday since I've heard your story. I truly hope you know the the impact you've left on me- you could have given up so many times but you didn't. I'm a mother as well, and I know a mother's love and your give an excellent example of it. I know you are innocent and only care about protecting your children from the monster of a father they have. It broke my heart to hear about the Parential Alienation you have suffered with your daughter. I pray every day that your relationship with your children, especially your daughter, will be repaired and stronger than ever. I'm confident that God will take care of you, your children and the relationships you have with them. Please stay strong, I admire you so very much! I'm going to try my best to make it to the courthouse tomorrow to support you- even if it means standing outside!

Lame said...

Thanks guys. The athiest statement is that we don't hear God talking to us out loud or see him directly, and thus they argue that if you can't see, hear or touch God, then he must not exist. I know that those of us who have a relationship with Christ DO experience him. Still, that is not what the point is here. The point is, I know we are innocent until guilty, but when an accusation is made, in the eyes of society, we will not be trustworthy unless we can show for a fact that we are innocent.

That is why the system that deals with sex-related crime accusations needs to be more intelligent. Not mroe difficult, but intelligent. People need to be able to feel that if something really did happen that people will believe them. However, people who might make a false accusation need to know that they can be held liable for their lies. That should also go for investigators who implant false information into children, such as what has likely happened here. I read a statement recently on a radical femenist website that neutrality favors the perpetrators, and that justice must be biased towards the victims. That is completely untrue. Justice needs to be unbiased in order to preserve the rights of the accused, because there are times when the supposed victim is indeed no victim, but a liar. What we have here with Tonya is, ironically, a WOMAN being screwed by the bias towards accusers in a system that was set up by femenists in an effort to "protect" women from male abusers. The further irony is that if Tonya admitted doing this and then claimed to have suffered from a mental illness such as bi-polar than she would have received a very light sentence, because of the pro-female nature of the abuse system. Ironically, because she is fighting she is suffering the same fate as a man would. So, one could argue that Tonya Craft is a pioneer for women's rights in that she is doing something that hertofore was something women were considered incapable of.

Here are two questions: 1) The prosecution keeps making a point when on cross that the expert witnesses haven't personally interviewed the accusers. It there any chance they COULD interview them, or has the prosecution made that yet another out of bounds thing that only they can do? 2) Even if the experts were to interview the accusers, has the progression of the implanted memories gone so far that they can not at this point determine whether the abuse happened or not?

My guess is that the answers are 1) proseuction won't allow and 2) it's gone too far.

Anonymous said...

Reliable source says witness order will be:
Laurie Evans

Could get to Tonya this afternoon but definitely by tomorrow.
You know you hardly ever here of defendants testifying in their own trials.
She is so strong to get up on that stand! God be with you Tonya!

Anonymous said...

is there any way at all to get someone from the TODAY show back in the court room for the day Tonya is on the stand? The DA and ADA seemed to be much better behaved when they knew that the Today show was there!!

Anonymous said...

I am about to leave for Ringglod in support for Tonya. Do not know her and any involved. Can you come and go when needed, or do you have to wait for a recess? Can you take water in with you?

Anonymous said...

i am a teacher in walker county and support tonya 100%... i am trying to get off work tomorrow and i am working my way down the sub list with no success at this time... i really want to be there to show my support but subs are running low this time of year...

Anonymous said...

@ Victoria..I know exactly where you are coming from. We have a 15 year old daughter who has spent the night away with friends 3 times! One of them I went with her. It's because of the fear that something might happen to her. Having said that...I have never doubted Tonya's innocense, not once!

Anonymous said...

Just a bit of advice...don't wear shirts with any writing on it or they will not let you in. They are looking for excuses to keep us out. Wear Yellow...Tonya's favorite color. It makes a bold statement in the courtroom! Be prepared to witness a fiasco!

Anonymous said...

Catoosa Resident

I think this case impacts everyone and not just Teachers-even though Mrs Craft is a teacher. In response to an earlier comment on being afraid of even having children in your own home-I too feel the same way, and have felt this way for quite some time not just since this case began. A few years ago their was an incident in my neighborhood with my children and a few other children. My son was 9 at the time and to make a long story short he flipped the back of a little girls nightgown up. He was portrayed as the neighborhood pervert-and one of the parents involved in this rediculous bunch of crap was a catoosa county kindergarten teacher! This may seem like an overreaction but when it is your child it is huge. Luckily we have moved past this. The parents in my opinion completely overreacted. After listening to the expert witness on Monday, this just goes to show how the reactions of parents and what we talk about in front of our children has a huge impact. I have learned so much from this trial. Anyone can be accused of anything at anytime-but if it happens in Catoosa County you better hope you live in the right HOUSE. I loved the comment about Tonya picking up the tab!! Great! Heartfelt prayers go out to Tonya and her family!

Anonymous said...

Laurie Evans is scheduled as a defense witness ?

Sandra Pearson said...

Laurie Evans is scheduled to testify this morning. She is the CAC that Judge Marie Williams (Hamilton County) deemed incompetent and ordered to stay away from Tonya's children.
Laurie is a hostile witness, which means she is a witness in the trial who is to testify for the opposing party and will likely offer adverse testimony to the defense during direct examination. As a hostile witness, the defense attorneys are allowed to question Laurie as if in cross-examination, including the use of leading questions.

Watching from Nashville said...

Since the "parents" of these children (and I use the term parents loosely) have already testified and are not subject to recall by either party, can they be in the courtroom gallery watching and listening now? If so, have they been seen?

Anonymous said...

Should be a day full of fireworks with Laurie Evans on the stand. Heard some interesting things about her yesterday!! Stay tuned and expect the "stooges" to be in rare form. Hate I am not there today but plan on being there tomorrow to show my support for Tonya. T4T

Anonymous said...

The parents(I use it loosely too) can not be in the courtroom. They are in their cozy little room on the first floor of the courthouse. They have a clear shot to the front doors and can see everyone who enters through security:)) I wouldn't be surprised if they audio from the courtroom!

Anonymous said...

Lame... I agree "nice and appropriate name". This case is Lame!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a question & a statment...I think someone asked last week but I never found the answer. The Wilson's daughter is not an accuser, so why are they soooooo involved in this? She was Tonya's BF,right? Where does their dtr play a role in all this? Was it her that Tonya felt needed to held back? I thought it was the Lamb's???... I am telling everyone I know about this trial and I want to know that I have my facts right!!

To posted on a previous blog "The real damage is this. You can lead a child to believe a bad act occurred even if it did not. What is frightening about this is even when the child is shown concrete proof it did not happen, they will still believe it did. Children in that age group are some of the most malleable according to many studies."

I know you are an expert and do not need my validation, lol, but you are so correct. However, sometimes the child does NOT have to be led. Let me explain. I have a dead beat dad. I am 39yrs old and he has been a dead beat my whole life. When I was in kindergarten our class to a walk to the local fire department & jail. At the time my mom knew my dad was in jail, she says she kept me home that day so I would NOT see him. But that is NOT what I remember. I clearly remember walking through the halls, turning the corner, and there sat my dad in the cell. I did not speak to him, I just kept my head down looking at the floor. I still to this day have that vision in my head. I remember the fire trucks, and getting to slide down the fire pole. As I said earlier, my mom INSISTS that did not happen. I was home, and did not go on that field trip.

I am not sure if I dreamed this, imagined it, or what, but that memory is there. You say "even when the child is shown concrete proof it did not happen, they will still believe it did." And I am proof of that statement.

So as far as these 3 accusers go, no one knows what is in their little minds. NO ONE can fault them. Who knows if they are flat out lying....or if they are like me, and really believe this happened? Kids believe what you tell them. Postive or Negative. If you tell your child he/she is stupid, they will think they are, if you tell them they can be anything they want to be, they will. And if the parent they love and trust so much tells them or leads them to believe someone did bad things to them then they will believe that also. tpla

Jason S said...

Sounds like things are about to get exciting in Ringgold. Sounds like there is a crowd there today and I am sure there will not be a seat empty tomorrow, I know I will be there.

Goodbye stinking OutHouse!

Kerwyn said...

@ Anon 9:42
That is a great example of manufactured memory. Most of us have them!

Folks I was doing research and came across this little tidbit. When Arnt introduced Holly Nave Kittle to the stand he told the Jury that she had been a Forensic Pathologist for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Now given she only has a Bachelors in Anthropology, I find this to be highly questionable. So I did a little research. She was a crime scene technichian NOT a Pathologist (which is a Physician ie MD)

Arnt's statement in court was Arnt told the jury " was formerly a forensic pathologist for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation - something akin to the CSI television programs, said ADA Arnt."

He lied, bald face to the jury about her qualifications and experience. Is that not suborning (sp) perjury?

Anonymous said...

I just emailed the today show and sent a message to I though they might be interested to know that Tonya being accused of a bisexual fling or watching girl on girl porn 10 years ago is part of the state's "evidence". I gave this blog, truth for tonya, and other websites for reference. I believe if these organizations get involved, especially national media, Tonya will be a little more protected from these 3 jerks. Everyone knows how their behavior changed when national media showed up. I pray for her strength and hope she knows that so many support her, even those who have never met her!

Anonymous said...

Yes, and if they give you a response as these children did.."Nothing happened with Miss Tonya"..and the "professionals" keep asking again and again.."What really happened?" It's like they think their answer is wrong. EXAMPLE: Ask a five year old, "What is two plus two"...If they say "four"...Say again, "What is two plus two?" ...and if they have the confidence to again say, "four?"...Then repeat again.."What is TWO PLUS TWO"...Do you think they are going to have the confidence to keep on saying , "four"... They are the are the ADULT!! They are also five years old and they understand they are not qualified (and usually not allowed) to argue with adults.

Anonymous said...

There is a flat black helicopter flying around the courthouse this morning... I do not see any marking on it anywhere... Now I am no expert, but it is my understanding that only Federal Helicopter (DEA type) are allowed to fly in US airspace without identifying markings... Anyone have a clue what that is about?

Anonymous said...

Interesting tidbit on Greg Lamb and cheating in fishing tournaments. I was in the middle of a heated conversation about this a few weeks ago, and most of the men backed down and would not stand up.

Anonymous said...

Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, Laurie Evans and Joal Henke with their pants on the ground...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lookin' like a fool...wit cha pants on da ground!! haha

Anonymous said...

BAHAHAHAHA!!! (pointing and laughing)

Anonymous said...

Why can Tonya's lawyers not ask Laurie Evans about why she was removed from the case?? Can they have the judge that removed her testify to why??? Just curious...I heard she and Joel had a thing going on. Wow, that boy gets around!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't be scared Laurie.....its ok to cry, Joel will consol you later.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, is this woman on drugs?? The tweets describe her as looking around, having trouble focusing. She keeps asking Dr. L what he is asking..what is up?? She has already perjured herself about how she found out about the court order. She said while in court and her notes say she was notified!! Here we go again....

Anonymous said...

To Kerwyn @ 9:53. If you were in the courtroom or atleast paying attention to Arnt when he introduced Kittle he clearly stated that she was a Forensic Pathologist Assistant (FPA) not the Forensic Pathologist. So people I beg of you, get your facts correct before posting on here instead of making yourself look like a moron.

Anonymous said...

What is PTSD

watching in nashville said...

post tramatic stree disorder

Jason S said...

I remember....I don't remember....I remember....I don't on

Does anyone from the state's side, have a memory? Wait, they don't have a brain. So now, we understand.

Everyone involved with the state, please find new careers, because none of you are good at what you do.

I'm just saying!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @10:56--
Shouldn't you be in court...the defense is icing the cake with Laurie Evans AND ADDING SOME SPRINKLES ON TOP !!! Hurry over, you don't want to miss it!! I am LOVING every minute of it:))

Anonymous said...

Wow! I've gotta check into this memory loss thing associated with Prozac.
I took it years ago for PMS, I think. It worked well for me, I think.
Wait....what was I just talking about?
Crap, please don't sign me up to counsel any children!
Oh! And anon 10:56, you're an idiot! You want to pick that out? A minor infraction? You will be watching with me when these prosecutors are disbarred! And these "FPA"s and interviewers answer to their behaviors! I can't wait...I would pay to be on the front row!!!

Anonymous said...

Could someone please tell me what the big deal about Laurie Evans personal divorce is in this case? I don't understand why that is not allowed in court.

Anonymous said...

I guess court is back in session. The troll is gone!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, from what I hear Laurie Evans was married to an abusive man. For this, I feel sorry for her. This does not excuse her behavior, though...

Anonymous said...

Im sorry I didn't finish. I believe the divorce took its toll on her and she was found to have PTSD. Which is a classified mental illness and she should not have been counseling children during that time.

Harmony said...

Hey everyone I havent had a huge response to the picnic but I still want to do it MAY 15th at the park in Rinngold closest to the courthouse. It will be at 2pm. Please message me if you plan on bringing food or supplies. So far we have chocolate chip cookies and plates, please come and support Tonya Craft. I am everyone to bring a small donation to help with her expenses.

Anonymous said...

Which one was it, Laurie? Were you notified of the court order via a phone call or did Hall tell you in January at an unrelated court hearing?
Were you sworn in or not? Oh, you were.
Do you have a mental illness or not?

Anonymous said...

This is the first I've heard of a picnic. I definitely want to participate. Is this on the truth for tonya facebook?

Anonymous said...

Could someone gives us some background information on Laurie Evans? What are her credentials? From what I'm reading, this woman doesn't have enough sense to come in out of the rain.

Anonymous said...

Youre right? Havent heard much about her background. The prosecution never wanted anyone to know of her and the defense didn't ask her credentials, education, etc.

Lindsey said...

Take A Look:
Benefiting The Children’s Advocacy Center
Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade and Walker Counties)

Casino Night
Friday, May 14th

Rally in The Valley
Saturday, May 15

Wouldn’t you love to see that guest list!!!!!!

Wonder what they’ll do with the money raised? Hopefully hire licensed professionals and update there resource material.

Lindsey said...

sorry...update their resource material

Harmony said...

It is on the truth for tonya facebook. You can add me as a friend there too. We are asking everyone to bring a food item and a small donation. We are going to make buckets and stand in the square wearing yellow and waving signs.

Anonymous said...

I would not give this joke of an organization one cent. Heaven only knows how many childrens' lives have been destroyed by these so-called professionals. I would not want my name affiliated with them in any way. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I helped fund this nightmare.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I've emailed the Today show, ajc, and the glaad. Just called the Judicial Qualifications Commission and asked for someone to oversee this trial as it is happening. I'm told they cant and they get involved upon appeals. So, I tell her "So the judge and prosecutors are going to drag Tonya through the mud, essetially attack her character, and you can't do anything about it NOW?" To which she replied "no". I am trying to find someone to be in that courtroom so these 2 jerks will be on their best behavior, and may actually follow the rules of conduct! Praying hard for Tonya!

Anonymous said...

3 jerks, my apologies! lol

And Harmony, thanks. I'll get in touch!

Harmony said...

Channel 3s Melydia Clewell is interested in covering the picnic so I am hoping for a great turnout. Mr. Anderson i wish you could be there if it wasn't for you this case wouldn't have gotten the attention it deserves. Thank you.

Kellie Graham said...

Another Arnt objection, defense instructs witness not to say what someone else said. House reprimands defense for "snide comment" (1140 wrcb tweet update)

What the crap? I have yet to see House rule or even make a slightly favorable comment for the defense. The bias is so open & obvious.

Anonymous said...

please answer...I think someone asked last week but I never found the answer. The Wilson's daughter is not an accuser, so why are they soooooo involved in this? She was Tonya's BF,right? Where does their dtr play a role in all this? Was it her that Tonya felt needed to held back? I thought it was the Lamb's???... I am telling everyone I know about this trial and I want to know that I have my facts right!!

Kerwyn said...

Anonymous said...
To Kerwyn @ 9:53. If you were in the courtroom or atleast paying attention to Arnt when he introduced Kittle he clearly stated that she was a Forensic Pathologist Assistant (FPA) not the Forensic Pathologist. So people I beg of you, get your facts correct before posting on here instead of making yourself look like a moron.

May 5, 2010 10:56 AM

Oh hey, how come your not in the courtroom today? Oh and you did note that I copied and pasted this from a news story right? No?

Ah, there is that whole learn to read thing going huh? I hear that Sylvan has a GREAT program for that.

Bee said...

New Post Up ---------

Anonymous said...

Hey Kerwyn, the 10:56 poster went to the same schools as Laurie Evans and shares her charm and intelligence. LOVE the Sylvan riff.

Anonymous said...

I am asking all who support Tonya to pray diligently for her tonight as she will most likely take the stand tomorrow. We all know Mr Anderson is correct in stating Arnt n Gregor will make it a personal best to shred Tonya on the stand and Mr House will allow it. We must now look to a higher power for stability and truth to prevail tomorrow for Tonya. God bless you all.

Name withheld to protect the innocent. said...

Dr. Anderson:

I’ve been following your antics for a couple of weeks now. I’ve seen all the lies you have spread, and frankly, I have partaken in the fun…laughing at your expense. But it dawned on me today that there are innocent people being put in the middle of this. You have lied! You have incited violence against innocent people! YOU ARE PUTTING INNOCENT PEOPLE IN HARM’S WAY.

So, you think Tonya Craft is innocent. That is fine. Even if she is “wrongfully” convicted, she will live on, albeit in prison. But what you are doing here, flaming an ignorant public, and knowingly flaming an ignorant public, may cause good people to get hurt, or worse. IF SOMEONE IS HURT, IT IS YOUR FAULT, WILLIAM ANDERSON. THERE WILL BE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS! You, and only you, will have to answer to the God you pretend to worship. We live in a fallen world, man…get over yourself! I pray that you are man enough to admit your faults.

Prayerfully yours,

Name withheld to protect the innocent.

Anonymous said...

Sheri Wilson's daughter was the being held back, she didn't like that,u don't do things like that to a Wilson. Lamb's daughter is the movie star. McDonalds daughter is the one who got her but spanked by a belt for touching another child. Thats terrible u need to explain it to the child not beat them. ALL OF THESE PARENTS IF THATS WHAT YOU WOULD CALL THEM NEED TO GROW UP!!!!!!!!