
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mommie, Dearest

The blogger Kerwyn generally does not miss very much, and when she contacted me late Monday night, her mind was working in overdrive again. We were discussing the "Sandra Lamb Show" as seen on Channel 3, WRCB-TV, in which she not only seems to commit a racially-motivated assault, but also is not exactly decked out in highest fashion.

(While Lamb's wardrobe definitely seems to be a point of discussion, nonetheless, I will only mention her outfit this one time, as while she might not have the best tastes in fashion, nonetheless, she has even worse tastes when it comes to violating the law.)

Kerwyn notes that Eric Echols is not parked in Lamb's driveway, but on a public road. However, he cannot leave because his way is blocked -- illegally, I might add -- by a car driven by Lamb's minor son. The problem here is that he is acting on orders from Mommie Dearest, who has instructed the minor to break the law in order to detain Mr. Echols against his will.

Don't forget that Lamb originally tried to restrain Mr. Echols in the lawful delivery of a lawful subpoena, and then claims that here "lawyer friend" Chris Arnt had instructed her not to accept the document. Bad choice for both people. First, Arnt as a prosecutor could not be acting as her private attorney, and, second, a prosecutor can get in a bit of trouble for instructing someone to break the law.

So, let us step back for a second and see what we have. Sandra Lamb breaks the law by engaging in a racially-motivated criminal assault, instructs her minor son to break the law, and then claims Arnt was behind it. Given that she already is being sued by Tonya Craft -- and I wholeheartedly endorse her being sued -- it would seem to me that Lamb's legal problems have just begun. Moreover, one can hope that the Georgia State Bar will want to take a look at Arnt's alleged legal transgressions here, not to mention his overall performance in the Tonya Craft trial.

Then there is the arrest of Mr. Echols, who had the good sense to record his conversations with Jerry McDonald. The problem is that the prosecutors now know what was said in that conversation, and that Mr. Echols DID NOT threaten or intimidate anyone, let alone a prosecution witness, yet Arnt, Len Gregor, and Buzz Franklin still are pushing ahead with the felony charges against Mr. Echols.

Obviously, we are headed for a legal train wreck, and in the end, it won't be Mr. Echols who is in legal trouble. Why has this happened? It has happened because the judges and prosecutors of the Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit have treated the courts as their own little sandbox, and now that some adults are insisting that people in the LMJC play by those rules called The Law, the LMJC players are throwing a temper tantrum.

If you wish to see pathetic rage in action, look again at the video starring Sandra Lamb. However, she is not the only one down there in a childish rage; no, we have seen Franklin, Arnt, Gregor, and Sheriff Phil Summers all make their appearance post-trial, and all of them have acted like pathetic, spoiled children, with Lamb herself in the "Mommy" role.


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Anonymous said...

I am someone who “dwells in the grey”. I am nobody, and am “invisible in plain sight”. This makes it convenient to overhear things. This is my first and last post. I am returning to the “grey” where I belong.

This is in 4 parts.

This is to the Future Former - and Less than Honorable - Judge House, Future Former DA Buzz Franklin, Future Former ADA’s Arnt and Gregor, and Future Former Det. Tim Deal. From this point on you’ll be referred to as the “boys”.

Well boys, how does it feel now that you no longer in control of the situation? It kind of sucks doesn’t it? It probably feels the way all of those “little people” felt when you put them behind bars through your misconduct. Well, get used to it, because you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Well, Buzzie, Housie, Lennie and Chrissie, I hope you don’t feel left out since they couldn’t name you in Tonya’s suit. Don’t worry, you most certainly won’t be. Disbarment is only one of your problems. With the Tonya Craft suit being filed today, and the Eric Echols tape shown on TV, the political pressure is just getting started. Just wait until the Dateline investigation airs.

But, you guys are so full of yourselves, you think nothing will become of any Federal investigation regarding your actions, don’t you. Well, you have another think coming. ( Yes, it is “think”, not “thing” like most people tend to say ). There is a squad of Federal Prosecutors who – like Lennie – like to call themselves “The Man” and are already waiting in the wings. They can smell an easy kill and they are all champing at the bit to be one that took down that bunch of corrupt small town officials. I bet they even draw straws.

It will be kind of ironic, won’t it boys. Ya’ll will be responsible for putting an award on some Federal Prosecutor’s office wall, while your successors will be taking your awards down.

The local FBI office won’t be helping you out either. They smell something rotten and don’t want anything to do with you. The investigation will be led by some “Gawdamn Yankee frum Noo Yawk who thanks he’s gonna come down heah and show us goobers a thing or two about the law”. I remember hearing that line in a movie a long time ago and thought it fit.

Unlike you Housie, the Feds do not want even the slightest hint of impropriety that could hurt their case. So get ready, you boys are in for the ride of your lifetime. Your going to be on the “receiving end” for a change. The pun is intended boys. Yeeeee Haaaw!

To the Future Former “expert” witnesses from the CAC. Since you have the intellect and mannerisms of children, I’ll follow the legal guidelines and not use your names. From here on in, you’ll be referred to as “girls”.

Girls, don’t waste your time or the taxpayer’s money on any further “education” to use in court to railroad other defendants. Your employment at CAC will be terminated. You have embarrassed a lot of important people. Also, because of the lies you told on the stand in the Tonya Craft case, you have not only put yourselves in legal jeopardy, but you have also put the CAC in legal jeopardy. The CAC will try to separate themselves from your nonsense by terminating you and then try and convince the public that you were acting on your own. It won’t work, but they will try. Kiss your jobs goodbye girls.

You girls are going to need a Defense Attorney, and not just for Tonya’s Civil suit. You might check and see if there is such a thing as a “Class Action Defense Attorney”. That way you girls can pool your money and hire one attorney to represent you. Sure would be a lot cheaper.

You girls are kind of in a “damned if you do, and damned if you don’t” situation.
When the Feds come knocking ( and they are coming ) and you actually tell them the truth – which will have meant you lied on the stand in an attempt to falsely convict Tonya Craft – you might be indicted, and if on the other hand you tell them a lie – keep in mind they WILL KNOW what the truth is even before they ask you the question.– you might be indicted.

Anonymous said...

“dwells in the grey”

Part 2

My advice is to take a plea bargain. Maybe you’ll get probation and won’t have to serve time and end up sharing a cell with a real “Girlfriend”. Now I bet one or more of you are saying: “real “Girlfriend??? What??? What are you talking about? ( suddenly the dim bulb in her immature little mind gets just a leeettle bit brighter ) Ohhh Myyy Gawwwd! Oh My Gawd! Mommmmmmeeeeeeeee!”. Sorry, girls. Mommy cannot help you now.

Of course, one of you girls won’t have a problem having a real “Girlfriend” in prison, will you? Your only problem will be determining who gets to be “da Man” that night. Just a thought, maybe you can come to some kind of agreement and alternate. You know, something like a week “on top”/week “on bottom” routine.

Boys and girls, I want to suggest that you read something. Below is a link to a pdf file on an article that Mr. Anderson ( Yes, Buzzie, it is the one and the same. Grow up, put your hatred aside and read the damn thing ) co-wrote with C.E. Jackson, an attorney with Judicial Watch.

As you read, pay real close attention to the excerpt out of the “Post-conviction article by Harvey Silvergate” on page 4, and to the section related to the “truth trap”. That part is most interesting. You see, even if you tell the truth to the Feds, they can still indict you.

What is truly interesting about this article is that Mr. Anderson and Atty Jackson, in defense of Martha Stewart, point out that the Feds used Prosecutorial Misconduct to basically falsely convict her of PERJURY and Obstruction of Justice.

Just think boys, Martha still got to practice her profession after she got out of prison. You won’t, so maybe ya’ll ought to take up her profession so you can get jobs as short-order cooks at the Waffle House when you get out.

You also might want to look up the case of “Scooter” Libby. It is really too long to explain it all here, but basically he was convicted of Perjury and Obstruction of Justice by what some legal analysts feel was POLITICAL PRESSURE and not because he actually committed the acts. Boys, you do remember the Political Pressure I mentioned earlier, don’t you?

What’s even worse, is that he wasn’t even involved in the original investigation of “Who outed Valerie Plame”. He got involved because the Feds thought he might know who did it. In the process of being questioned, he apparently committed PERJURY. The Feds spent tens of millions of dollars on the investigation, couldn’t find anybody responsible for the “outing” and had to convict someone to justify the expense to the taxpayer. Scooter Libby became the scapegoat.

So you see boys and girls, you can actually be indicted and convicted on charges that are not even related to what they are investigating. So, yes, nothing may come of anything you’ve done to this point, but it will be open season on you afterwards. Particularly if the Political Pressure increases. Do you boys and girls see the light yet?

As an aside, would it not be the greatest irony of all if Team Fhag were to be indicted and convicted, by Feds using Prosecutorial Misconduct. But, we all know the Feds do not use this tactic, so they have nothing to worry about. Right, Mr. Anderson?

Anybody want to guess who the weak link in all of this drama is? That award goes to Detective Tim Deal. Too bad he won’t have a wall to put it on.

Timmy, how’s the attitude amongst the rest of your peers at work. Things just aren’t the same are they? You can feel their eyes on you as you walk by and people stop talking when you come into a room, don’t they? I can imagine it is getting harder and harder to go into work, isn’t it Timmy? Not sleeping well? Eating Tums by the handful because you guts are boiling? It feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, doesn’t it Timmy? I’m sure some of the innocent people you put in prison probably felt the same way.

Anonymous said...

“dwells in the grey”

Part 3

Lennie and Chrissie always blow smoke and stroke that ego, right Timmy? Had you convinced you were a great investigator, right Timmy? Just wait until the “best investigators in the world” come flip their badges in your face. You are going to see how real investigators do it.

You are in the same dilemma the girls from CAC are in. After having lied in court, if you answer their questions either way, you lose. I know, “you were just doing what your were told to do” by Team Fhag. You know, something just occurred to me. You just might try the “Nuremburg Defense”. They only hung a few of those guys that used it, so it did work part of the time. Look it up Timmy. N-U-R-E-M-B-U-R-G.

You could cop a plea and help take down Team Fhag. Maybe they’ll reduce the charges and put you on probation. The least you will come out of this situation with is losing your job. At the worst, you will be convicted and will end up sharing a cell with another Good Ol’ Boy. Just think, it might even be somebody that really wants to get to “know” you. Knowutimean?

Keep eating those Tums, as they are full of Calcium. Remember from Grade School how Calcium helps make strong bones? If your convicted, it’ll pay off when you have to start lifting weights in prison to get big and strong just so you’ll be able to protect yourself from all of those adult molesters you’ll find there.

You know Team Fhag is already trying to make you the fall guy, don’t you? Those guys are really sweating. I would be willing to bet you could see it on Chrissie’s and Lennie’s interview on Ch 9. All those investigator’s courses you took in body language was finally worth something, wasn’t it Timmy? Got you worried doesn’t it? You did notice their eyes, didn’t you Timmy? I’d be worried too.

What would I do if I were you? Well, I would RUN – not walk - RUN to the FBI and get a head start on the other five. You can run, can’t you Timmy? No? Well, you should have done more PT. Maybe Sheriff Summers will give you a ride to the FBI. Sorry Timmy, I was only joking about Sheriff Summers giving you a ride. I wouldn’t trust him either. Those beady little eyes he has gives you the willies, don’t they? I wouldn’t worry too much about him though, he’ll have his hands full defending his own actions. Good luck Timmy.

To the Future Former CAC Director Sells. Ms. Sells you are going to be removed from your job for incompetence. The CAC system – beginning with the corrupt Ft. O and Dalton offices – will be totally re-structured. In fact, CAC will eventually be re-structured statewide, just not as quickly. The process has already started and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. Since you were the “Captain” of that ship and entirely responsible for your crew’s actions you may also find yourself being held liable in Civil proceedings. Oh wait, you are going to be held liable in a Civil proceeding aren’t you? Well, bless your heart. You may want to start working on finding a defense attorney. Maybe you can join the girls in their search for a “Class Action Defense Attorney”.

Do yourself and the CAC a favor and resign before they come to you and give you the ultimatum of resigning or being fired. If you resign first, at least you’ll be able to put on your resume’ that you left of your own accord. The sooner you resign, the sooner they can start interviewing a more competent Director, who can come in and clean that place out. Ms Sells, do it for the Children.

Anonymous said...

“dwells in the grey”

Part 4

The last group I want to address is the Future Former Wives and/or Girlfriends, and/or Boyfriends ( whatever the case may be ) of the above mentioned boys. I really cannot think of an all-encompassing word to refer to all of you, so I’ll use “ladies”. If you are offended, I apologize.

I do not know if you ladies were aware of your spouse’s/friend’s shenanigans, but I bet you thought it was OK, and probably even turned a blind eye, as long as things were going your way and you were receiving the perks of your spouse’s/friend’s positions. Right ladies? You better get ready, for you are in for a hard road ahead. Karma is a bitch, ladies. If your culpable in any of this, then she will make sure you suffer too.

Think you’ll stand by your man – and I do use that term loosely - during the upcoming turmoil? I doubt it. You see, you have nowhere the strength that Tonya Craft has. The way things have gone since the acquittal, you can already feel the security of being married to these “Fine, Outstanding, Award Winning” examples of male ego and your current standing in the community slip-sliding away. We all know what happens when women feel insecure in a relationship, don’t we ladies? Women will put up with a hell of a lot from a man, but that security thing is just so downright primal. It’s in your genes. When the security is gone, the woman is gone not too soon afterwards. “Ya jess caint hep it”. Ain’t that right ladies?

I suggest each and every one of you Future Former Spouses/Girlfriends/Boyfriends start making contingency plans. For those where “marriage” applies, there are a lot of Good Ol Boy, Dee-Eye-Vee-Ohh-Awr-Cee-Eee ( my apologies to Tammy if I got the inflections wrong ) attorneys in the area. But, if you are really smart, like Tonya, I would go outside the area, pay a little extra and get someone with some class that can get you everything you ask for from these poor examples of manhood. Don’t wait too long though, as the boys just might use their law licenses – before they lose them, that is - to screw you first.

Ladies, if they will lie in a courtroom, you just got to wonder what kind of lies they have been telling you all these years in the bedroom? Hmmmm? Sleep well.

Lame said...

You know what makes this case so reprehensible is that there really are people out there abusing children (children the CAC COULD help), people the prosecutors of this district COULD put away. Yet, the prosecutors are both corrupt and inept (corrupt in putting away innocent people and inept in seeing when allegations are true and are false). CAC employs people who are underqualified and unwilling to become qualified to properly handle situations. So, children who should be helped probably don't get the full help they deserve while children who need no help get "helped" right into being scarred for life. Tonya was right all along about this being a perfect storm. This is a perfect storm that was created not by Sandra Lamb or Sherri Wilson. This was a perfect storm created by three entities: LMJD (for having prosecutors and detectives who place career advancement over justice), CAC/Greenhouse (for having employees who are more concerned about being advocates than providing a fair and impartial service--yes I know 'advocacy' is in their name, but when they provide a medical service, advocacy needs to be removed, because as several articles point out, when medical personnel become advocates, more often than not they lose objectivity, and bad things ALWAYS happen), and thirdly the Federal and State Governments for providing funding to the two afformentioned entities without establishing and enacting proper oversight. People are up in arms over BP and the Fed Gvmt's failure to oversee offshore drilling. How much more important are the lives of our citizens compared with some fish and seagulls who get oil stuck on them? When you create a bureaucracy and do not properly administer said bureaucracy you create the same situation that occurred with the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the 1800s. American Indians were not ruined because of the government, they were ruined by contractors who received government money and screwed over the Indians left and right.

Anonymous said...

After reading the comments here and personally knowing all the players in this debacle, a line from a Reba song keeps popping into my head:

"You might a been raised just plain white trash, but Fancy is your name."

Sandra...your tube topped rant. ie. Echols tape

Sherry...your inability to feel shameful at any public event.
ie. CES Fastest Human Races

Miriam...your camera hogging.
ie. Stare leaving the courtroom

Please just grow up and admit to yourself that you have been exposed. Do what adults do....come clean and apologize.

Riddler said...

"Holy strawberries, Batman -- we're in a jam!"

"Robin, warm up the Bat-spot analyzer while I take a sample of this affected cloth!"

"Come on Robin, to the BatCave! -- there's not a moment to lose."

Anonymous said...

To Lame @ 12:40

Externalities of public policy are always the most interesting aspects governmental actions. For one, the unintended consequences of legislation are not always so "unintended" (your example of private contractors funded by the gov't usurping Indian lands in the 1800s) A more modern example: Urban Renewal. For two, externalities keep the bureaucracy growing. It matters not what party you support, the political machine runs on power and bigger mechanisms create more power.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Anonymous said...

To the person who dwells in the grey...all I can saw is looks like we are going to have some open elected positions in Catoosa County, plz run. If you are not a resident of Catoosa County, I have an open room at my house for you. Thank you for the wonderfully written piece of information.

Victoria said...

I noticed Jerry MacDonald is not on the defendant list in Tonya's lawsuit. Is that because her attorneys have evidence that he was coerced/threatened to support the prosecution and/or they did not believe he had an active role in bringing charges against Tonya?

I'm also wondering if D-Lo is involved in the lawsuit's representation. I know that the paperwork lists her local attorneys, but perhaps D-Lo is still associated or she will seek other out of state representation. It would be interesting to know what the strategy is since it now seems rather sketchy to leave things to the good ol' boy network that apparently pervades that neck of the woods.

I am also wondering if Tonya initially had a lawyer in town and if so, how that played out. I am imagining them urging a plea-bargain and that prompting Tonya to seek council out of state. I believe a discussion about Tonya's legal decisions and strategy could be enlightening for those fighting false allegations. I've never been in that awful position, but I can imagine how treacherous it must be to navigate that perilous journey.

Kellie Graham said...

No, M. boyd isn't going to fess up b/c she's trying to save face from being on the wrong side (to late now oakwood, we all know). 12 individuals & 2 counties know what your up to (for all of you). What power do think you have? the good boys system is exposed! While we all have faults, this goes far, far beyond what is controlled within the judicial system. Is change possible, I don't know, there is so much I don't know now.

Lame said...

Anon 1:01, you are absolutely right. That's what's going on, the political left and right is a manufactured characteristic of government created in order to effect change.

The left comes to power and they push, push, push until the people say, "Enough!" and elect a right wing government. That right government then will push, push, push until the people say, "Enough!" and elect a left wing government. Since FDR we have had the pendulum swing four times to the left and four times to the right.

Each time the incoming politicos promise to reduce government's role, but since FDR the government has grown by leaps and bounds.

If Thomas Jefferson were alive today he'd say, "Damn, I'm old!" Seriously though, we may look to Jefferson and Washington as the people who established this country, but really, we're living in the land of Alexander Hamilton, one in which the Federal Government is all-powerful, and the central banking industry controlls pretty much everything.

Money really is behind it all, money and power. There's a common joke in New York, "My uncle is so rich he bought a judge."

William L. Anderson said...

BTW, the following link is easier to download than the one on Candice's site.

To be honest, I have written a lot more on the federal criminal system than I have on state systems, with the exception of Mike Nifong and the Duke Lacrosse fiasco. Candice and I were among the few defenders of Martha Stewart because we recognized that federal authorities broke the law on numerous occasions in order to get her to the fateful meeting.

It will be interesting to see if the feds actually get involved in the Craft case. There are some rich pickings for a U.S. attorney wanting to bag some bad eggs like Arnt and Gregor and Tim "Dirty" Deal. Just the racially-motivated arrest and continued charging of false crimes against Eric Echols is enough to trigger an investigation. We shall see if the DOJ under a black president and headed by a black man (Eric Holder) will be willing to investigate a racially-motivated false prosecution of a black private investigator.

KC Sprayberry said...

The winds of change is blowing through these counties. Whether we like it or not, this growth of national consciousness is political fact. Paraphrasing British Prime Minister Harold MacMillian's 1960 speech to the Parliament in South Africa but very representative of what's happening around here. The Fhag team and all those other players thought they could keep on with business as usual after their actions were shown not just to their victim, Tonya Craft, or the local area they've bullied for so many years, but to the world. Yea verily, boys and girls, the world watched you glory in your uneducated and childish (not childlike as in it's cute and funny but childish as in you acted like spoiled brats) behavior. Unfortunately, the real victims of your actions will pay for what you've done for years. The men and women you helped incarcerate might get out prison but they are forever changed. Some will commit suicide. Others will turn to drugs. None will be able to find a decent job. All had their homes, children, spouses, and careers ripped from them in your pursuit of that golden goose, the federal checkbook. Oh, that will never happen, you say. Wake up and smell the coffee. Or in actuality do something too many people have forgotten, study history. You people are walking, talking examples of the old adage, those who forget history are doomed to repeat history. And repeating history you are. Look up Ed Jagels and Bakersfield. You won't have to sift through many pages of your search engine. Mr. Jagels stormtrooper antics and 'get the child molesters no matter what you have to do' attitude culminated in convictions of more than 20 people for a total of more than 400 years. Every single one of those men and women were innocent. Imagine that. Most of them are out of prison. Those who aren't died by their own hand, unable to stomach the thought of enduring a life behind bars for a crime they didn't commit. Now that you've educated (and I use that term very loosely) yourselves about the Jagels years, go on and look up how much California had to pay out in compensatory damages to those victims created by this rampage through justice 30 years ago. A lot of millions there. But the money will never bring back the families torn asunder. Nor will money make up for the feeling all those victims suffer from, the sensation of someone creeping up behind them determined to do them harm. Like Jagels, you fools ripped trust of the legal system away from the public. Your days of terrorizing LMJC are ending. Too bad your legacy will live on forever. Never again can we relish the thought we live in a small, safe community. You've proved differently. Our leaders are as corrupt and scheming as any in a large city.

Anonymous said...

Well it was some more plan to silence a witness for the defense.
There is a strange irony in the charge of influencing a witness. Talk about hypocrites!

I guess Arnt won the battle with keeping Echols off the stand to disclose his findings.
Yet now this puts the LMJD in a really bad spot.
If they drop the charges now just because the trial is over, their unlawful act will be fully disclosed.
Yet it they continue with their charges, they face even further pressure from the public for exposing the racial tone for their actions.

Either way they lose even if it comes to another jury with the media hot on the trail.
Looks to me like Arnt and Sandra Lamb has now lost whatever thread of credibility they had left after the Craft trial.
To charge this man just further enforces that Tonya was REALLY TOTALLY innocent.
They are only digging their hole deeper.
I now know how unethical they are, but I am still undecided on how smart they are.

Anonymous said...

To me it seems the ones included in the lawsuit would be TOTALLY furious with the ones who really are responsible. And number one would be Chris Arnt.
And whomever was on the original Grand Jury probably now is feeling like they was duped.
It's sad when the DA's office can sit back and laugh while these others sweat.
I say that someone needs to do a "legal colonoscopy" on the DA's office. It is beyond me how it's fair for them to not be charged.

Narcissist 07 said...

I wouldn't give two wooden nickles to have all the "money and power" of a Wilson or a Lamb this morning. This is about to get REAL UGLY for a bunch of them. Now that the initial shock of actually not going to prison has set in, I think you are going to find just what an intelligent and determined mind Tonya Craft has. I am sure that team Fhag are sitting back thanking God himself that they have prosecutorial immunity to avoid losing all that they have, but you have to wonder if they are not all looking at each other suspiciously wondering who will be the first to break ranks and turn on each other. Ole Timmy Rotten Deal is about to have his head served up on a platter, and Sheriff "My son is a career criminal" Summers has to be told that continuing to slander and inflame Ms. Craft is doing so to his own detriment. Hang on boys and girls, if you thought the criminal farst of a trial was drama, "YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' YET!!!!"

Anonymous said...

In the words of the Joker from Batman the movie.


Time to flush some shitbirds down the toilet.

Trish White said...

Dwells in the Gray, I don't know who you are but you are the "person"!!! Wow, you wrote all the things I would have loved to say to all these very same people. Thank you for your posts!! Hope the "crew" all read it and I for one can't wait.

I have said it before, God had a plan, but this is bigger than anything I could have imagined, but then again, God is always bigger than anything we face here on earth. It sometimes takes awhile for it to come around, but boy is it going to come around!!!

Bill, another good blog!!!

By the way, I don't feel sorry for any of these people, you reap what you sow!!

Sandra Pearson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandra Pearson said...

dear sandra,
it was obvious the first time i met you, that you were a woman who very much wanted to be front and center in EVERYTHING you were involved in... well, guess what?
YOU are now front and center in this investigation! not only in catoosa and hamilton counties... but in the WORLD! congratulations, sweetheart! you have finally arrived! : )

Anonymous said...

mr. anderson, have you heard or do you know if tonya has been able to see her daughter by now??? that is the thing that bothers me most about all this and no one has reported one way or the other on that... thanks

Anonymous said...

I notice that people keep bringing up the fact that Jerry McDonald isn't named in the suit, well, neither is Greg Lamb. I think Tonya & her team is sending a very clear message & she will have another victory.

On another note, some people still have a hard time believing that people can be so vindictive. Here's a quick tale that is unfolding as I type.
My best friend of 26 years is about to move out of the area, in fact, about 700 miles away. As I am very happy for the new life for herself & her children, her mother is not happy. (She's a control freak & a really sad individual) She has decided that she is going to DFACS & lie to them. Yes, openly lie, that her own daughter is on drugs & is an unfit mother, all to keep her from moving. My bff is one of those people who can pass a hair follicle test in a second, has been nothing but an over the top mom & has sacrificed a great deal for her children. Yet, her own mother is willing to lie to authorities to seek revenge for the daughter moving away. Hmmmmm, if someone would do this to their own child (who btw, has done nothing but take care of her mother), why wouldn't strangers who have an axe to grind, obviously believe they are above the law & have gotten away with EVERYTHING for many years do the same thing? They would, they have & now they shall pay.

Way too many abuse our current system, including the ones "in charge" of it & the price is going to be hefty. I can only pray that this suit not only puts the instigators in check, but also the ones, who in the name of the law, helped this mess get to the world stage. As "dwells in the grey" pointed out, all eyes are on you.

Anonymous said...

Just a few things to ponder boys.

Wonder if boys know what it sounds like to be touched in a prison cell? Wonder if they know how long it takes to be touched in a prison cell? Wonder if they will tell all their inmate buddies they were in LE and help fill the place up with molesters for the federal dollars? Wonder if they will get to see Sam Parker or others who will know them while they are in the joint?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Anderson, you wrote that 3-Job Jerry talked with Mr. Echols. That cannot be true, as he denied it on the stand. :) Of course, his wife Kelli said he did talk to Mr. Echols, while she was on the stand, despite being advised not to.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of hearing about the money, power, and influence of the Lamb and Wilson families. Good Lord people, look around. Isn't being a "power broker" in Chickamauga, Georgia, sort of like being the tallest midget?

Anonymous said...

Observations after reading the lawsuit:

1) Arnt, Gregor and House are not named. However, the lawsuit mentions "other state actors" in para 66. Just because a lawsuit does not name defendants does not mean that "others" cant be used as part of the proof.

2) The suit also mentions "others yet to be identified" talking of the Treatment Team. Clearly, there are more defendants to be added to the lawsuit.

3) These lawyers are extremely talented. I think their omission of defendants at this point is nothing but calculated. It is possible that some are friendly. It is also possible that they are trying to turn some of the named Defendants (i.e., you didnt sue so and so, and they were involved.

4) No matter how the strategy plays out, this lawsuit will cost the likes of Henke and Lamb mucho dinero just to file an answer. I would guess a defense lawyer would want at least $50K as a retainer. And I think that the way the lawsuit was drafted, it would make any defense lawyer think twice about representing more than one defendant in a joint defense meaning that most defendants will have to hire their own counsel.

These guys are good.

Anonymous said...

To those that put Tonya through an unneccessary hell may I say, "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." Seems it is true what they say about payback, huh? Way to go Tonya. We back you 100%!

Anonymous said...

A bit of curiousity..It appears Witches Lamb was wearing a bathing suit and cover-up, but not by her pool. She appeared to be on a public road in front of her house?? How do you think she knew she was being served?

Anonymous said...

Annonymous @12:46.

Fancy was originally a hit for Bobbie Gentry in 1970. Reba covered it in 1991 and had a big hit with it too. I understand the point of your post and agree with it and I enjoy both arrangements.

Keep the faith!

Anonymous said...

So now are Tonya Craft and Eric Echols thinking somebody messed with the wrong 2 families?

dmk said...

All of these latest developments are very interesting, and also very encouraging. A perfect storm caught up Tonya, but now an even more powerful perfect storm seems to be brewing for the LMJC in the broader sense.

People like Sandra Lamb and her minions are just small minds running amok in a small town. What has happened for far, far too long though is those same people were able to use the corrupted power structure of the local courts and government to protect and/or enhance their positions and settle scores instead of just the opposite, that power structure being there as a bulwark against the few people who run these small towns like their own personal fiefdom from getting total control over the rest of us.

Tonya Craft very successfully fighting back against being railroaded provided all the necessary ingredients to get a strong storm brewing, but other smaller storms are providing energy too. Judge Kristina Cook Graham's reprimand, and then now the issue with her not paying state bar dues for several years (very interesting timing on that little fact being released don't you think? maybe coincidence, maybe not), are just two examples. We have all the makings of a storm of the century that is about to descend on northwest Georgia and clean out everything in it's path. Like all storms, there will be collateral damage, and some things (or people in this case) will defy comprehension by going untouched while others right next to them get flattened.

Time will tell. Even supercell storms can fizzle out, or given the right conditions, they can grow to even more terrifying size and ferocity. I have a feeling that some people in this area whose names have so far gone totally unmentioned are looking to the west keeping a VERY close eye on the dark clouds roiling over Lookout Mountain right now. For those who want to see the storm come, let's continue to do the rain dance and cloud seeding by writing letters, sharing information, and whatever else we can think of to get the conditions right for the winds of change to finally blow and blow hard.

There's a CAT5 brewing, and it's named Tonya. If it hits here, it will be a long, loud, and scary night here in the ridge and valley, but when all good people get up that next morning, the sun will be bright and the air will be the freshest and cleanest it has ever been.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Sandra but just as someone reading about and watching her in the media, it seems that she is using everyone including her own flesh and blood (her kids) to get what she wants. She was using her daughter to take down Tonya. She was using her son to keep Mr. Echols pinned in with the car. She is putting them in so much harm. It seems she is the real abuser of her kids and of her "friends".

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Catoosa County!!!!

Now that you all are finished picking up your jaws, I will say why I said that statement.

First, I do love my county & that is why I want to clean it up. Not by ridding it of so-called "criminals", but to clean up the SD, the LMJC, the CAC & the rest of the dbags who my tax dollars pay for.

Second, as I read the complaint filed by the complete moron & embarrassment to the south, Sandra Lamb, I was just floored. Not only did this woman commit several illegal acts & not get arrested, but she also got my tax dollars to pay for an "extra" patrol to be placed on her residence to protect her from "this male subject"!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!?????? Holy crap!!!!

Here I am, a good citizen, pay my taxes, vote, send my child to school everyday & myself & a couple of others get neighborhood visits from a detective because we disagreed with his ignorant wife (hope you are reading this) on Tonya's "case", but we can not do a damn thing about it. BUT, that stupid, criminally minded, psycho can get an "extra" patrol car on her house. The word "extra" is the operable word. It means that MY tax dollars were already paying for her to have patrol for her make believe world filled with lies & hatred.

I have been pissed off (for lack of a better term) at everything & everyone involved with this debacle, and now I have yet another thing to add to my list.

I do love this county & I am going to fight my butt off to get it into shape. Tonya, chew them up & spit them out! I don't care if my tax dollars have to pay for part of this suit, in fact, I would be honored. Eric, after Tonya gets finished, use a pooper scooper & pick up their remains & throw them in the garbage! Once again, I will be honored to have my tax dollars pay for your suit.

Ok, my blood pressure is way beyond up & I'm thinking about drinking at 9:30 in the morning!

P.S. Please do not start the CES issue today. Bill, if it starts today, please moderate. We can't hit the delete button & everyone I've spoken to who participates or even just reads your blog, is past over it. Thanks!

volfan69 said...

I watched the video with S. Lamb and Mr. Echols several times. I was in disbelief that an adult would act like that in front of her child. Did she drop the F-bomb in front of "black b..."? It appears to me she is totally out of control emotionally and mentally. I can't imagine what her children must go through on a daily basis! Bobb

Anonymous said...


You ever watch TrueBlood? Lamb is the Maenad (center of any storm she can create).


Polished Turd

William L. Anderson said...

The LMJC apparently aggressively seeks to gain wrongful convictions through a tag team of judges and prosecutors. They intimidate local defense attorneys, and the judges make rulings that keep exculpatory evidence from reaching a jury.

This business no longer is being done in good faith, if it ever was. While I am no legal expert, nonetheless I cannot believe that these prosecutors and judges actually believe that a lot of these people are guilty.

Thus, am I saying that the principals of the LMJC deliberately seek wrongful convictions? Absolutely. If a jury saw through the nonsense that the prosecution presented (and that was missing much of the exculpatory evidence the prosecution kept out), then please do not tell me that two experienced prosecutors were taken in by this stuff.

I have no idea if I can help marshal people in authority to take a serious look at the LMJC, but that is what I am hoping and praying will happen.

Kerwyn said...

The stark reality of this case is very simplistic in its layout.

There were indeed more families and persons involved. According to Deal and Keith's notes, a few other good friends of the Lambs came forward with wild stories and indeed they too were willing to put their children through interviews. When I say wild, I mean seriously Hollywood way out there fantasy. So out there that even Arnt and Deal couldn't use them knowing they would get laughed out of court.

The sheer stunning lack of education, common sense, protocols and professionalism of the CAC and Greenhouse has made for some fascinating conversation for those of us in the Industry. I think about the THOUSANDS of dollars out of my own pocket I have spent and the THOUSANDS of dollars the facilities I have worked for have spent on my continuing education and all I get is mad.

Have a high school diploma and a five day seminar? YOU TOO can be a forensic interviewer. It won't matter a bit if you destroy a child and several families in the course of "doing" your job. The CAC wants you!

What is more frightening than the Craft case is that Long, Thorne, Evans and the rest have been doing this for several years to Lord knows how many people.

How many children have you destroyed in your arrogance, how many families have you destroyed with your ego?

Let me drop this gem in here. In 2008, Whitfield County accepted a 50k (yes 50,000) dollar donation from Greenhouse. As a matter of fact, it is a line item in their budget from 2005 to 2010. They COUNT on the money from Friends of the Greenhouse. Oh yes, the board of directors.. Well Buzz sits on it for one...

I have NEVER seen a "charity" GIVE AWAY 50k to a county. Yet in newspaper stories from that time, I see them begging for funds.

I wonder at how the Friends of the Greenhouse justify in 2008 spending 2500 on a Christmas party, but only 2400 in continuing education. I guess the party was really important.

Anonymous said...

HAS TONYA BEEN ABLE TO BE AROUND HER DAUGHTER YET??? what is the status with her visitation?

KDaw said...

Well said Anon 9:27. I am a 37 year resident of Catoosa County. My Ancestors were some of the first settlers in the area now called LMJC. This is very personal to me. They fought and died for this land and would be appalled at the injustices happening here. I don't mind one bit for my tax dollars to be used to clean up our justice system and the practices of the CAC. I love my county and my family history that is everywhere within it's borders. I just hope and pray the misconduct within our government is exposed and those responsible are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Thank you again Mr. Anderson for your tireless writing. Seriously, Do you ever sleep? :-}

Kerwyn said...

Sorry Buzz sits on the financial committee for CAC

Kermit Mcmanus the DA in Dalton sits on the Friends of the Greenhouse board

Anonymous said...

I saw a blurb this morning on channel 9 about the law suit being filed. The anchors/reports repeatedly stated the Prosecutors were included in the suit.

Anybody else notice that? I used to be a faithful viewer of their news casts, but now I'm wondering if they have ever gotten it right!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:06 am. I heard on the radio this morning that Tonya has not yet seen her daughter : (

Anonymous said...

Just read the entire suit & have to say "bravo" to Tonya & her team. With this suit, they will be uncovering a great deal of the false accusations & false convictions, not only in CC, but in all four counties in the LMJC. Some may read it & think it only covers CC because they are a named defendant, but in fact, by naming CAC-LMJC, it covers any and all of the cases these people were involved in, which is also good for the Brad Wade family. "Sister", you will be able to uncover, through Tonya's legal actions, the necessary information to take your brother's case through the appeals process. For all of the people railroaded by these idiots, you now have hope & it is happening through Tonya & her team. They will be uncovering the many conspiracies by these idiots and they will be able to do this during the discovery phase of their proceedings which is covered under federal law. Whew! Everything happens for a reason and we are about to witness another blessing from above.

Anonymous said...

someone please explain to me WHY tonya has not seen her daughter...

Anonymous said...

KDaw, we are close to the same age & we can make a difference & take our county back. Let's get busy & do it!

Anonymous said...

I live in NY and as such I am not familiar with GA law however, the criminal charges against Tonya and the civil charges (Child Protection proceedings) are two different venues.

It is possible for one to be vindicated in criminal court but still labeled as a child abuser in civil court.

Strange but true.

I understand (though I haven't read it)-that Tonya's Fed. petition addresses clearing her name from a state child abuse registry.

William L. Anderson said...

To the 11:03

Judge Marie Williams has taken the case under advisement, and that is where things stand right now. I'm surprised she has not cited Laurie Evans for contempt.

And, no, the prosecutors (because they have immunity) are not named in the lawsuit. Once again, Channel 9 gets it wrong. Yeah, I know everyone is shocked.

KDaw said...

Anon 11:04, Am more than willing to be a party to a house cleaning. Not sure where to start though. Can find me on facebook Kellie Dawson. Send me a friend request. Would love to chat. ( I think I have my page privacy settings to friends only. But, with FB you can never be sure!)

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is sort of like being the tallest midget, but still, there is power there. But, if you folks think the Lambs and Wilsons are the real power in Chickamauga, you are sadly mistaken. They aren't even pimples on the butt of the real person in power.

Bunch of Grapes said...

Lame, your comments are usually interesting and well put. But today you said:

"How much more important are the lives of our citizens compared with some fish and seagulls who get oil stuck on them?"

It would be wise not to downplay in any way what will be devastating longterm effects - on land, industry, and many thousands of people - of the oil spill in the Gulf. That was not a good comparison. Take a look into that situation and learn something about it before making another inane comment please.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh.... I think the truth for tonya website has used all its memory!!! Tried to leave a comment, could not take it! Tried twice. That is a wonderful sign, so many people have supported her.

Anonymous said...

As a Catoosa resident, I am appalled at this crazy made-up trial.I read this blog every day. Thanks Bill for your tireless work. I really hope this is not all talk about all these evil people getting in to some hot water. Know what I mean?? Please Bill do not take it wrong. I am definatley for seeing Sandra Lamb, Wilsons, Mcdonalds, Buzz, Deal, CAC, Arnt ,Gregor,Summers, etc. burnt up by the hot water they created for themselves.I just hope all these people get what they deserve, sometimes it is swept under the rug.

Denise C. said...

KDaw, Which one are you? There are several.

Anonymous said...


I believe what she said was 'stick it up your azz, you black b-----d.' Not positive but after listening a couple of times, it seems that is what she said. Of course the vulgarities were bleeped.

KDaw said...

Denise C.

Kellie Williams Dawson.

volfan69 said...

Thank you. I was horrified at her behavior. It was awful and I still can't help but think of her children. Goodness only knows what they hear and see and go through in that house. I hope they get to go to summer camp and get time away from home.

@10:01 (PT) that is funny and you are correct! Bobb

Anonymous said...

@11:19 You have been on here frequently spouting off on how there is some sort of "Godfather of Northwest GA". Enough already, tell us of whom you speak or can the mysterious references. You're using the ANON moniker just as I am so why be coy? Let us know who this person might be...

Denise C. said...

KDaw, it won't let me invite you. There is no button. You can send me an invite, Denise Collins. My picture is of a white crocheted coffee cup.

Anonymous said...

Sandrs Lamb needs to be in a straight jacket in the mental ward.She scares me,she is crazy in the worst way.

Anonymous said...

Greg Lamb needs to get those kids away from her & her parents.

Anonymous said...

Tonya's daughter was indoctrinated to believe that her own mother committed a crime against her and other little children. That kind of damage can't be undone overnight. If Tonya hasn't seen her daughter yet, that must be because her daughter is not ready for it. How could anyone explain to this poor girl that it was actually her father and stepmother who were in the wrong without further damaging her psychologically?

William L. Anderson said...

Yes, Sandra Lamb did call Eric Echols a "black bastard." By the way, notice how Mr. Echols, a former U.S. Marine, kept his cool, even when Lamb slapped him. This is a guy I would want on my side in crunch time.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to put the video of Sandra Lamb's assault on YouTube.

KC Sprayberry said...

Those of us who live in NW Georgia know who the 'Godfather' is but refrain from saying his name in public forums. A clue as to who he is can be found by going to Rome News by Watson and looking at her columns on the Dixie Mafia. While reading about this person, forget all your preconceived notions when comparing him to a certain well-loved actor. Nowhere close. True fiction there.

Anonymous said...

"Greg Lamb needs to get those kids away from her and her parents":

You know Sandra's mom , too? She is not all there, either.She does things for Sandra that someone would do for a 4 year old.

Jerri Lynn Ward said...

Anon "who dwells in the gray"

I hope that you are a man because I think I love you.

Great analysis!!!!

Anonymous said...

No matter what, SL's actions were absolutely beyond anything a "normal" woman would do. Let's say the accusations were true (although I laugh at the idea), is this the way a sane person behaves. Nope, no way!

My dad was a big, tough guy who didn't take anything from anyone. When faced with the actual perpetrator of the crime against me, he calmly stared him down. He could have killed the guy with one hit, but had the restraint not to make matters worse than they already were. Trust me when I say, my dad was the type of guy who would take care of business. So I look at SL's behavior against that of my father's. I was his daughter and was brutally raped. He kept his cool when face to face with the person who did it. Even when an illegal subpoena was served (it was less than 12 hours before the court hearing, that is the illegality of it), my father accepted the subpoena, calmly. Mine was a case of evidence, evidence, evidence and yet, my father, my mother & myself (the victim) all behaved in court proceedings, when being served subpoenas & when seeing this evil person (the actual perp) face to face.

SL behaved like a lunatic to a man serving a civil process subpeona. She knew he was coming & had time to calm herself & behave like a normal person. Instead, she chose to act like a fool, put her son in danger by putting him behind the wheel of a car while screaming at him to block the road, then assaulted Eric Echols verbally & physically. She obviously has no regard for her children. I feel so bad for them, but honestly, there is very little help for them now. Unfortunately, they have already made it past the early behavioral stage in which their personalities were formed. UGH!!! It makes me sick!

Six said...

I just watched the video from the Channel 3 website and I am a bit concerned. Any time a news channel only airs PART of a video, it begs to question what was in the other parts? Clearly Mrs. Lamb was in the wrong and the charges against Mr. Echols appear to be completely bogus. But if so, why not show the entire video? Also, the part they did show, presumably the WORST part, really was not all that awful. It was certainly ridiculous and childish behavior by Mrs. Lamb and perhaps could fall under a loose definition of assult, but I would imagine that in the world that Mr. Echols lives in as a PI, this is likely par for the course. Describing this as a 'hate crime' really diminishes actual 'hate crimes'.

I am all aboard for Mrs. Craft sueing those who wrongfully persecuted her, and based on what I have seen and read, I am in support of dropping charges, but I get the sense that many on here, including you Mr. Anderson, are so incensed that you are out for blood and willing to sensationalize events and make them in to something greater than they are. The facts are on Mrs. Crafts side, the facts also appear to be all on Mr. Echols side - do not descend in to the same adolescent behavior that the thugs of LMJC.

William L. Anderson said...

Well, I am not the one to be pressing charges, and I am sure that Mr. Echols can speak for himself. To be honest, people have been charged with felonies for lesser offenses, however.

Keep in mind that Sandra Lamb was attempting to help frame Tonya Craft with crimes that would have put Tonya away for life. I have my doubts that Lamb will spend a second of her life in a jail cell, but if she can be at least inconvenienced, that might be a good thing.

As for the assault or whatever we call it, what if Eric Echols had slapped Lamb and called her a "white bitch"? Does anyone think that he would not have been arrested and charged with assault, and maybe even a hate crime? That is the perspective we have to understand here.

I understand your concern about people stooping to the LMJC level, and appreciate your words of caution.

Anonymous said...

I've never used the term "Godfather of Northwest Georgia", nor do I believe there is any such person. I am simply talking about the power structure in Chickamauga. People get on here and make the Lambs, Wilsons, and Boyds to be real power brokers in Chickamauga. They are not. They are connected to people who are connected to people, but they are not the real power. All it shows to me is that people are talking about things of which they know very little. If anybody on here actually is from Chickamauga, you know who holds the real power. If you're not from Chickamauga, then it doesn't matter, but just know that it isn't the Lambs, Wilsons, Boyds, or even Bradleys.

Anonymous said...

Bobby Lee Cook. So the guy's a crafty defense attorney, who's gotten obviously guilty clients off with his skill and connections. Likewise, he's in business with drug-dealers and scum and it has likely rubbed off. But you guys act like if you say his name 3 times while looking in the mirror that the sky will open up and he'll appear to axe you or something...grow up.

Anonymous said...

I am not talking about Bobby Lee Cook. He doesn't live in Chickamauga anyway.

Anonymous said...

Six,you need to wake up.

Anonymous said...

Tonya's been too busy galavanting around in limousines and doing her big city press tours to worry about seeing her daughter. For someone who was so concerned about seeing her child, she sure did hightail it out of town as soon as that verdict hit didn't she?

Anyone else hear that she was in the process of a divorce from her current husband when this hit but conveniently stayed married for the sake of appearances for the trial? I wonder how long this marriage will last?

Also, Lorandos has a history of filing these civil suits, if you people will do some research, but he has yet to win a single one of them. It's just a way to suck yet even MORE money out of his clients.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:51, what the hell are you talking about? BLC very rarely has been mentioned & there have only been a handful of positive comments. So again I ask, what the hell?

Bill, thank you for your "white b****" question. I was going to ask the same thing earlier, but stopped short.

"Six", truth of the matter is that was the entire video. Please try and follow. Eric Echols started recording after Lamb followed him to his car screaming & had her underage son get behind the wheel of a car. The video that was shown, was in its entirety. So there was no editing, only the bleeping out of the bad words & the captioning. That's it.
Also, are you saying that because he's a PI that it is acceptable for someone to smack him (yes she smacked him) & call him a "black bastard"? If so, is it acceptable for someone to hit a police officer because it is "par for the course"? I guess with your way of thinking, next time I get pulled over, I'm going to slap the piss out of the person & call them names. Sounds fair enough huh? No, it doesn't.

Yes, I will agree some people write with more passion than others, but facts are facts. The facts show the truth and that is what the majority of us want to find & have found during this fiasco.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering who you are, Sandra Lamb, her mother, Ms. Wilson or Ms. Mcdonald or even Sarah Henke??
We know you are not a Tonya supporter!! Climb back under your rock.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:51,
ROTFLMAO, you are sooooo funny. Keep up the posting. I'm battling a debilitating illness and you are keeping me fully engaged, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you have done some research on "D-LO", are you scared you are fixing to lose some money, go to jail, or lose your "power"??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:07 - That's strange. We saw her the other day on Hixson Pike leaving Soddy Daisy driving an older SUV with "Truth for Tonya" bumper stickers on it. Didn't look like a limousine to me...and certainly NOT a big city! Crawl back under your rock.

KDaw said...

Bobby Lee Cook's daughter is Judge Kristina Cook Connely Graham. She recently was reprimanded for ethics violations when she cursed a couple of police officers in her courtroom. If one started connecting the names of all those involved there is no doubt all would trace back too a connection to him. I don't think anyone posting here is afraid of him. It is more that we are angry that he is still diddling the "puppet strings" and getting away with it.

Denise C. said...

2:07, I read the suit that was filed and I didn't see Dr. Lo's name anywhere on it. Maybe I missed it, can you point it out to me? I was under the impression that Dr. Lo had gone back to his state and has continued with his law firm and helping his wife with their dogs.

Anonymous said...

2:07,you are so ignorant.You deserve what ever HELL comes your way.You are truly a white trash BITCH!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@2:09 I was just guessing who anon 2:06 has been spouting off about. I know BLC lives in Summerville, but was just taking a guess. Perhaps its someone named Ware? or Jewell? or Lee? to whom this person is referring. No matter, whomever it is, if they were involved we'd have heard about it by now... Little towns are always occupied by little people with money who think they can act without immunity-until a bigger fish comes along and feasts on them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 2:07 PM

UH seems ignorance is your strong suit, the lawyers who filed the suit are as follows:

Jacobs, King & Wallack, LL-ATLANTA

Scott R. King
Cary S. King

Who's name is missing here? Dr. Lorandos!! Easy enough to locate IF you were honest and had a clue.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 2:07 PM

Also since you are as clueless as it gets, here is a video (since I'm wondering if you can actually read) Ms. Craft has filed for custody of her children:

Anonymous said...

Dang, anon 2:07, you need to sharpen the pencil (or maybe just find one). D Lo did not file suit (duh-huh, he will likely be a witness and is, therefore, disqualified from being an advocate), Tonya explained the situation with her husband with un-impeached, sworn testimony, and she can't see her kids yet by court order, unless I am mistaken on that point. Unlike the privileged few in CC, who can flaunt the law and violate standing court orders, she chose not to. Before accusing others of not researching, maybe you should try the fundamentals, like getting the facts right.

Anonymous said...

2:07,I dare you to come to Chickamauga & stand on the sidewalk & say those things to our face.We would have sooooo much fun kicking your sorry ass.Go back to hell where you belong.

Anonymous said...

Let's keep it going, I pray that everyone that Kristine Cook Connelly Graham. sat on the bench Get a new hearing or something. I hope someone that know will post it. Thank's you guys..

Anonymous said...

You are totally misunderstanding my comments. I'm not saying that the person in power in Chickamauga has anything to do with this whole mess. I'm saying that the people who are responsible for this whole mess aren't the powerful people in Chickamauga that many on here assume they are. People are crediting these people with having all this pull in town and they do not have it.

Anonymous said...

2:07, aka Sarah Henke.

First of all, Tonya did the right thing after the trial. She knew that the courts would have to schedule a date for the hearing & would not be able to see her children immediately. Also, I believe with all my heart that she will request supervised visits with a true psychologist at the hearing. Why do I believe this? She did what any sane mother would do & she fought for her childrens' lives, her life & for the lives of the other children whose parents accused her. Yes, the parents made accusations, not the children. So for your "hightailing it out of here" statement, please just shut up. She left to take care of some much needed business & left the care of her custody case with her attorneys. Idiot!

On to your next little question. Yes, we all know that she & her husband were separated "when all this hit". We also all know that he chose to go back to her that November (6 months after their separation, 5 months after the charges were filed) and chose to stand up for her in court & in the press. So whatever you find compelling about that "epiphany" you had, put it in a basket & send it down the river. Idiot!

Whew, you are wearing me out. On your last little tidbit, you once again show your complete ignorance on the whole subject. Dr. Lorandos did not file the federal suit. Scott & Cary King of Atlanta did. Dr. Lorandos is back home. So Captain Obvious, do you have any real light to shed on the subject? If not, I will let you in on a secret.....come in a little closer....You are in fact an idiot beyond any measure. I too have done a lot of research on Dr. Lorandos & have found that most of his (this means the cases he is actually involved in, not his firm), are not suits (the one that was filed yesterday) the same as Tonya's. In fact, he is involved in cases like Tonya's (by case I mean the actual criminal case) because he actually deals with the psychology part of justice and only represents people he truly believes to be innocent. Truthfully, for his caliber & Cary & Scott King's caliber, they did not charge Tonya even close to what they could have.

So now that we have had our 3rd grade lesson for the day, do you have any other idiotic remarks, obvious statements/questions or completely untrue "facts"? If so, please feel free to say other stupid statements. I eat people like you for breakfast.

volfan69 said...

SIX, I'm wondering if you and I saw the same video. How can you say it is anything other than a woman out of control, ranting and screaming and hitting and telling her child to do something that is not legal? PLEASE explain to me what you saw.

Yeah, right. You're bright. NOT! How do you know what Tonya is and is not doing? Do you live with her? Please explain where you get your knowledge of her activities.

I am not overreacting. Ms. Craft could, but she didn't. I just want the truth for her and the truth about what all happened as do most of the people on this site. Mr. Anderson is a great person and he is not out for blood. He is seeking the truth and justice. What is wrong with that? Bobb

Anonymous said...

2:07 Oh Sandra,Kelli,Sherri,Sarah or our lovely Miriam.You all are so full of SHIT it is not even funny.Try pulling your head out of your ass for a little while.You are truly the most ignorant women in the world.

Anonymous said...

and I'm asking you 2:44 WHO? I'm just curious, and frankly it's your unwillingness to name names that has me that way. I don't live there, don't know anyone who does. Just an interested observer.

Anonymous said...

2:32, thanks for the clarification. You had me thinking I had entered the Twilight Zone. Next time, just for good measure, I would preface a comment like that with...Do you think the "godfather" is ______?

I see what the person who is talking about the "godfather" is trying to say. To make it simple, here goes nothing.
The Lambs, Wilsons & Boyds are not the power players in Chickamauga. They are simply people with a modicum of wealth & a lot of mouth.
Is that about right?

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows Billy Neal has all the power.

Anonymous said...

The PI had an audio recording on him when he approached Sandra Lamb's door to serve her on the child custody case. Once he returned to his car, he began video recording on Sandra Lamb which was shown yesterday in its entirety.

Anonymous said...

3:10 I'd be ROFLMAO if that wasn't so true...

Lame said...

Bunch of Grapes, my comment about the oil spil was regarding the immediate-direct impact upon human life. Yes, this will be one of the worst ecological disasters in history. However, this oil spil happene just recently. The perfect storm created within LMJC has been brewing for years and for years. Please, I am in no-way trying to downplay the impact or importance of the BP oil spil. I was only comparing the reaction of one disaster with another in a very narrow respect.

Anonymous said...

OK, I've got to say this. There has been a lot of talk about how when you report someone to the police regarding child abuse that the reporting parent, if their child is also involved, is investigated. Why then was Sandra Lamb never investigated? Did Catoosa Co Shereef Dept drop the ball there? Speaking of dropped balls, during the Craft investigation, the investigators, CAC and prosecutors dropped more balls than a Vienna Boys Choir on BALCO.

Anonymous said...

These families make trailer trash look real good.Sandra pack up for the trailer park.They have a spot reserved you.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain how Sandra Lamb's kids attend Chickamauga City Schools when she lives in Ringgold as noted in the filing of the lawsuit? She does not appear to live even near Chickamauga but close to Heritage Middle and High in Ringgold and her kids would have attended Ringgold Primary and Elemantary.

@3:10-can we quit the juvenile name calling?

Anonymous said...

3:10, LOL, maybe it will take 2+ years to prosecute too. I know I would feel more secure. Can we make a citizen's arrest?

3:21, LOL again! The same laws do not apply to Lamb as they do to you and I. It's a booger of a problem & will soon be remedied.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 3:21

I can clarify why Sandra Lamb was not investigated. As I posted yesterday, I recently asked a CC DFCS worker about filing a report on some inappropriate behavior on my ex's part when he has my child for visitation. According to this worker, the case would be opened on ME and I would be investigated. My first hand experience has also shown me that when DFCS zero's in on a "suspect", they don't consider any other possibility.

When Tonya filed the complaint about Sarah Henke showering with her daughter, the case was actually opened on herself. DFCS investigators interview everyone, including the other parent. I'm sure this is where the accusations originated and then the other families were drawn in.

A spiteful, bitter ex can very easily manipulate that kind of situation, and when you have such favorable conditions (connected families, corrupt officials, inept interviewers) the next thing you know, the perfect storm is brewing right above you.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:26
Money talks in Chickamauga especially if you want your kids to go to school there :)

Anonymous said...

@3:26, this has been asked & resolved about 1,000 times. Chickamauga City Schools accepts children from all areas as long as you pay the fee. Go to the CCS website & you will understand. You will also see that they are 98% caucasion.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:26 thank you,this is why parents who do live in Chickamauga do not want these families to return in Aug. also the Boyds live in Ringgold.

Anonymous said...

Sandra Lamb did not pay the fee (remember) on the stand she said her name was on a friends utility bill so her kids could attend Chickamauga.

volfan69 said...

Okay, I get it now. has an article about the lawsuit by Tonya. SIX is the same as Humble that posted a comment on that article. I'm me, Bobb, and I don't have 15 or more different names. Yes, I'm volfan, but I post my name...Bobb

Anonymous said...

Maybe Inside Edition will show Sandra's little video,they showed her first one.

Six said...

Sheesh! What's up with all of the 'Anonymous'? How about just make up pseudonym and stick with it. You're still 'annonymous' but at least then people can keep track of who they are responding to.

Anyway - yes, to one anonymous poster, I am wide awake. To another, I did not catch the part where that was the entire video - great to know!! I clearly misunderstood earlier stories where it sounded like the entire episode was recorded from his attempt to serve her all the way to the part shown on Channel 3 - I would love to hear what exactly he said to her when serving her. There are certain things that I am sure he is not permitted to ask/tell her and I am certain that her defense will make the claim that prior to those events shown there was something he did out of bounds.

As for assault - I have no doubt that could be charged as assault. And if he were a police officer, she likely would have been tazed multiple times and had an extra long ride to the police station no doubt. My point was that the hype leading up to the video gave off the impression that it was an incredbly violent episode - it did not entirely live up to the hype. I am not arguing that this be excused, she unquestionably was acting like a crazy person, violated the law and I would not be opposed to her having some sort of criminal as a restult. However there has been a bit of sensationalism on the part of many posters on this site about this event.

Any violent assault is a 'hate crime' as far as I am concerned and I personally believe there should be NO special preferance for punishing someone more harshly or less harshly because we suppose what is going through their mind and what the motivation may have been, but since there is this special classification then it should be used sparingly only for the most clear and awful crimes. What this crime motivated BECAUSE Mr. Echols is African-American? I don't know - only she knows that for certain. Would she have reacted differently if it was a middle aged white-guy such as myself serving the papers? I doubt it - she looked bat guano crazy to me. Is she a racist because she used the phrase black-bastard? While incredibly henious to use, I am not convinced that it automatically means that person is a racist.

Anonymous said...

Regardless, I'm sure she has had to pay the fee by now, if not, then complain to the school board & ask for proof. That's what I would do.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Bradley has always wanted to be friends with the popular parents,to bad they are no longer popular.Maybe she has finally seen they're true colors & will not let them pull her down with them.

Luke said...

You're doing one heck of a job William. This site has become my 'go to daily' blog.

I'm retired so time is plentiful. : )

Anonymous said...

Six, I am the anon poster who informed you about the entirety of the video. I do not post under my pseudonym because I have a weekend visitor from the sheriff's dept. (a detective) Since I am trying to protect my family from the goons, I do not post with my name so it makes it harder to find something I post. I could do another, but I already have a blog & do not care to open another account.

Ok, to answer your present question, Eric Echols gave a more detailed interview on WGOW last week. If you click on the blog "More on Echols and the Interview", I believe it has the link to the interview. It was very good and very telling. It will answer all of your questions straight from Eric's mouth. I get ya now and I do agree that a great deal of crimes are done out of hatred. This is where Lamb screwed up. She prefaced her "bastard" with the word "black". By doing this, she opens up a can of worms. Whether it gets sought as a "hate crime" is the question, but, so justice is actually done, wouldn't you enjoy seeing her squirm in a federal case rather than in her "home courtroom"? Even if Echols goes through with the assault charges, it will conveniently be pushed out for several years under the current system. If he pushes for it to be federal, then Lamb can finally pay for her actions. I think we can agree on that.

Anonymous said...

Actually, there are and have been a fair number of federal suits filed across the country by many lawyers involving false accusations and the ineptitude of child protection services.

There have been wins - there have been losses.

The wins have, however, been most helpful in changing law.

For Tonya not to have filed a suit would have been disppointing.

My hat goes off to her, her courage, her fortitude.

Anonymous said...

Why can I not find one article on Brad Wade? I am not firmiliar with that case and want to read about it.
Help please?

Six said...

@volfan69 - I think you must have me confused with someone else - either that or you must be referencing another 'Six'. I have only posted under the name 'Six' on this blog and nearly all others - it's the only name I use when posting comments. The two exceptions are a pair of blogs where I use my initials 'AJs' because there is/was another poster who used something too close to 'Six' and I did not want my comments confused with theirs.

@Anon 4:18 - You do not have to use your blogger ID to post comments, simply click Name/URL and type in whatever name you would like. It still is anon but at least then it gives others an identity to more easily respond to.

The real question in my mind is whether or not Sandra Lamb KNEW her daughter was not molested? Just playing devils advocate for a minute put yourself in Sandras frame of mind - Sandra Lamb is clearly from the ultra-conservative mentality where any form of sexuality from a child should be repressed, punished and shamed. So she suspects that someone must have DONE this to her daughter and harmed her in some way. She questions her daughter, who picks up on her mothers insistance that what she has done is dirty, wrong and she should be ashamed of - so she does what a youngster does... scapegoats. Now enter Mr Henke - who further plants in Sandras mind that something nefarious must have caused her daughter to do this - he suggests to her that his ex may have hurt Sandras daughter too because he claims to believe that Tonya did the same to thier daughter. She presses on her daughter, 'did Tonya teach you this?' over and and over until she finally gets it and confesses to her mother so she (daughter) can relieve herself of some of the guilt her mother is imposing on her. Sandra goes to the police, where they along with the nurse and psychologist confirm her fear further, the prosecutor confirms as well that they are certain she hurt the two other girls as well. Sandra is resolved in her mind that Tonya is evil (which is what ANY child molestor in fact is).

So if YOU, believing in your heart of hearts were absolutely certain that this person hurt your daughter and were confronted by a strange man who said something to the effect (I am guessing which is why I wish there was a recording of this conversation available), "We know your daughter is a liar", how would you react? Personally, I might flip out too.

I agree with you, it was wrong, but if in fact Sandra Lamb believed in her heart that Tonya actully did these things (remember, she had the police, the nurse, the psychologist and the prosecutors all confirming it) it is important to think about what her frame of mind was and how you too might react if you believed someone hurt your daughter and made a statement such as that.

Anonymous said...

4:38, I am unsure of any articles, but if you would like more info you can email Dr. Anderson & he will get you in touch with his relatives.

Anonymous said...

This may have been answered, but no, Tonya has NOT seen her daughter. She's been told on occasion "today is the day" only to have the new therapist "change her mind" at the last minute. She thinks that under no circumstance should Tonya EVER see her children again supervised or not. I've been told Mr. Henke's "new flame" (who knows - she too old I think) and current child's therapist, Nicky Ozbek is doing all she can to prevent Tonya from seeing her. She does still see her son every other weekend. Who knows what this lawsuit will do for any of that? Personally, for reasons I've not been given permission to expose why (I haven't asked and I try to always ask before I write) but I believe the current therapist is actually helping the child create a 2nd personality. That is beyond an abomination. NO ONE is helping these children heal and that is horrible. Today this day, the children are still being manipulated and abused by their parents and their parents' pawns. In my heart, I know I should be concerned for the kids as much as Tonya, and I'm trying. I'm just really struggling with it still. It wasn't their fault, but they are at an age where they are flaunting what they get for "being good" and that is a tough one to swallow. (I hate to group Tonya's child in that group as well)

I really hope that these families' parents are VERY proud of what they've raised. I know more than most of the grandparents of these children and parents of these accusers or troublemaking families, and it is a real shame. They used to be respected and these grown, "adult" children have RUINED hundreds of years of family history and good names in this community. From now own, anyone with the name Wilson, McDonald, etc. will only think of the shame these people have brought to the whole area. I've heard the McDonald's plan to move to Chattanooga. I will make it my mission to make sure anywhere they go - people will know exactly who they are and what their role was in this until I see them on the news PUBLICLY apologizing and begging Tonya for forgiveness for their lies and deceit. I'm not overly involved at my child's school because of cliques like this, but if I have to be to stop them from having peace at all - I will.

Anonymous said...

Six,are you serious?Sandra went on tv letting everyone know who she & her daughter was.Does that sound like a mother trying to protect her child?I don't think so.Sandra does nothing but lie.

Anonymous said...

Six, this is your friend from before. I have a very simple question to start with. Did you follow the trial? I ask because your hypothetical question was answered during the trial. If not, I will start with this. Lamb is not ultra conservative. By her known liasons, she quite the gal around town. Next, there was no psychologist or doctor to exam her child at any time. Never. The cold, hard truth is this started because of anger towards Tonya by 3 entities who all came together through hundreds upon hundreds of phone calls over a few days. The funniest part, the ring leader Sherri Wilson, didn't put her daughter through the hell. But before I rattle on, I do need to know if you followed the case at all because it doesn't seem as if you did. The dots have all been connected & the timeline laid out. Did you happen to read the federal lawsuit? That would also help you.

I want to help you, but there really isn't enough room to lay it out easily.

Lamb does not & has not believed her child was molested as she was the one who put it in her child's head. Also, Eric was there to serve papers in the civil case, not the criminal & simply rang the door bell, the son answered & hell broke loose. She knew he was on his way because he had already served papers to others. I wish I could put it in my head for one second that she convinced herself of abuse, but I can't because she doesn't. The rest will come out in the federal case, including the audio recordings of Jerry McDonald & Greg Lamb.

You can refer to me as your buddy & I will respond as such. :-)

Anonymous said...

Six @4:48 PM

I do not disagree if the Lamb scenario you described is as Lamb sees it and yes as a mother I would be distraught BUT even so Sandra Lamb chose to assault a person who was conducting himself in a professional manner, he did not verbally attack her in any manner. He did not say her daughter was a liar he was serving her a subpoena. She could've gotten herself under control after realizing she was losing it but she continued the same course. Doesn't matter legally or morally that she was upset or under stress, yes it was wrong and she is responsible for her actions.

Anonymous said...

No one should ever let the Lambs,Henkes,Mcdonalds,Wilsons or the Boyds have a minute of peace.People should always let others know what they have done.

Anonymous said...

anon 5:07, are you saying Tonya's kids are seeing Ozbek??? If so, God help them. Oh my word, there aren't enough words to describe how far my heart just dropped. People, if you thought Laurie Evans was crazy, you haven't seen anything yet!
Lord, please be with Tonya's children & clear their mind of all the evil that has overtaken their minds. They are Your children & you can heal them.

Six said...

Anon 5:07 - no it does not. I agree with you, from all that I have seen and read, Sandra is at the very least someone who often exercises poor judgement and at worst may be a direct hazard to her own children and should have them removed. I don't understand people like her... people who think it is appropriate to spank and shame thier young daughter for doing something that is very normal and natural.

@my buddy (lol) - Most of the 'ultra-conservative' people I have known tend to project thier shame on others and are frequently hypocrites. In fact, some of the worst offenders are those that are most outspoken for a cause such as George Reker. Perhaps I am getting Mrs. Lamb mixed up with Mrs. Wilson - but I thoght Mrs. Lamb was the one that whipped her daughter when she was caught exploring her own body. I did follow the case, some on here, some on Chan 3 Twitter. Most of the case referred to people based on relationships with Accuser #1, #2, #3 - so for a casual follower of the case, it is a little easy to get them mixed around. I have not hard-core followed this as I do not live in the area but I am very intrigued by this story and have tried to stay updated. This has been a great highlight of how misguided and corrupt our criminal justice system is - events like this attempted railroad happen every day in every part of the country... unfortunately nearly all are not exposed like this one has been.

All that said, it doesnt mean that she didnt actually believe that someone else had hurt her daughter. The woman clearly is looney - who knows what actually goes on in her mind.

@Volfan69 - I just checked out the comment under 'humble' at and seriously? You thought that was me?? Did you even read what I wrote - I think Craft SHOULD sue. Just because I do not cheerlead a crusade against Mrs. Lamb as enthusiastically as some on here does not mean I disagree with Mr. Echols and Craft getting thier due vindication and compensation.

Anonymous said...

anon.4:08 good pointe.She chose bad friends.

eagle1 said...

Whew. On one hand some of you are posting childish crap again. But I must admit that I laughed way outloud reading some of the stuff jumping on whomever posted the pro Sandra comment.
Tonya left with the lawyers to go to get on a plane for NYC.
She was up WAY early the next morning to do the Today show.

Poor old Ray Romano Arnt. You guys are starting to upset him. Likely he will be needing to see a therapist. Sandra and himself may need some joint sessions.

Lookout Spy said...

Someone is looking for an Assistant DA, wonder who's leaving?:

The Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office has an opening for a circuit-paid Assistant District Attorney. Salary is entry level on the State pay scale, plus benefits including ERS State Retirement. All applicants must be members in good standing with the State Bar of Georgia or a recent law school graduate who has taken the bar exam and is awaiting results or is scheduled to take the July 2010 exam. This position is subject to employment verification using the Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System.

Please mail, fax or email your resume to: Amy Brown, Office Manager, P.O. Box 1025, LaFayette, Georgia 30728; Fax: 706-638-4821; email -

Kaye said...

Lookout Spy,

Who, indeed? Wonder which one it is and why the other one doesn't have enough sense to go, too. Rough day at work today, but you just brightened my day!

volfan69 said...

SIX, I hope that you will please accept my sincere apology. It is so easy to get confused on this site and others. I was thinking about what you wrote when I posted that comment, but it was actually meant for anon@2:07. I think that anon 2:07 is Humble and NOT YOU. Good grief! I really messed up on that. Again, I apologize to you, SIX. That is why, as you also think, we all need to put up some name and not anon. I have learned from my mistake and I will be much more careful before I respond to anyone. I hope others learn from what I did wrong. I acted like an azz toward you and I hope you will forgive me. Bobb/BOBB

Lame said...

I urge you to look at the Tonya Craft post on badbadteachers. If Ms Craft's lawyers are reading this, please, contact that site, privately or through official means, and find out who is posting those liblous comments about her. I highly suspect they are coming from one or more of the already-named persons in the lawsuit. If they are continuing to post such vile dribble, than your case is all-the-more likely to succeed, as it fits to a pattern of continued depraved indifference and malicious conduct.

I will share with you a message I have already sent to the site admins:

"To site administrators. Tonya Craft has this week filed a $25 million federal lawsuit against several players in this case who have worked to wronfully prosecute and commit defamation and lible against her. I urge you to remove the Tonya Craft article from this website, for your own good. I appreciate this site, and I believe you do a generally good job. However, two things give cause for removing this article. First, in her lawsuit, she requests that all entities that list her as a sexual abuser remove them from their files, including government and private agencies, as she has been found not only not guilty, but will prove in her lawsuit that the entire episode was a case of malicious use of investigative and prosecutorial powers in order to exact revenge upon her by a tight-knit group of individuals acting in their personal and professional capacities. Second, this article's posting section has become a lightning rod for posts from a small group of persons, likely members of the group she is currently suing, to post some defamatory remarks. If you do remove this article, I would ask you to keep records of IP addresses, because I can pretty well gurantee that before this case is said and done, you will receive a subpoena for them, and it would be in your interest to not lose those records.

So, while I appreciate that YOU, the site administrators, have been unbiased in reporting this case, the posts that have been made here, many of them, ammount to lible, and could cause you more trouble than it is worth. Yes, yes, first ammendment. Still, when people are screaming "fire" in a crowded theater, that is not protected speech. When people post comments on here that openly advocate violence against this women, as at least two have, and use obviously defamatory language against her, that speech is not protected, and for facilitating it, you could find yourselves in the crosshairs of a multi-million dollar lawsuit."

Kaye said...

And then there's this:

I just about choked when I saw Catoosa Cty Commissioner Bobby Winters speak the last line--

OMG! Why Mr. Winters do you hope to see things cleared up in 6 months and get back to normal? Do you mean normal as in the LMJC railroading its citizens? Or do you mean normal as in the CAC doing its typical crappy job? Or, surely, Mr. Winters you don't mean normal like when the Sheriff's department arrests people and throws them in jail without as much as a simple investigation? Mr. Winters, you may wonder why Catoosa Cty government is named in this lawsuit, but your words tell the tale. You don't get it, do you? No, we, the citizens of Catoosa Cty, your constituents, DO NOT WANT THINGS TO GO BACK TO "NORMAL." Keep it up, sir, and you may find yourself voted out just like Summers and House. Count on it.

Six said...

@Volfan69 - no worries! I suspected it was a case of confusion, but most caught off guard once I actually went on to read under 'humble' who clearly represented the opposite of what I was posting. Thanks for clarifying!!

eagle1 said...

He said he was worried about a "black eye".

Victoria said...

@lookoutspy 5:53

Qualifications: must be a pathological liar, narcissistic, and be able to quickly fabricate evidence on the fly.

Honesty will not be tolerated and those with integrity need not apply. On the job training provided for those who qualify.

Benefits: As an exclusive member of the good ol' boy system, our assist. DAs enjoy immunity from prosecution, access to powerful and influential people, a rigged courtroom complete with a trained monkey for a Judge that is on your team. This job requires no cold calling as our leads are processed in house at the CAC and insure a 98% conviction rate - you'll never need to make a strong case again. These are just a few of the perks for those scoundrels who meet our stringent standards of criminal conduct.

Kaye said...

Well, well, well... looky who is running for re-election.

Heads up, residents of District 2! Make sure that Bobby Winters knows that you don't want things to go back to "normal."
County races

Here are the candidates for the District 2 county commission post. The precincts in this district are Boynton, Duncan Park and Westside.

Incumbent Bobby Winters, 65, lives in Ringgold. He is retired and is running on a Republican ticket.

Mark Lindsay, 43, lives in Rossville. He is employed as the building official for Fort Oglethorpe. He is running on a Republican ticket.

Stephanie Dickert, 40, is a resident of Ringgold. She is an accountant and is running on a Republican ticket.

Kaye said...

Forgot to cite my reference. oops

Kaye said...

I hope you all forgive me for posting this from ChannelSlime, but it, too, heralds good news. Seems Long no longer works at CAC. Surprise, surprise... they're dropping like flies...

Kerwyn said...

Given the behavior of Ms Lamb on previous occasions I can only relay my gut feelings.

She is untruthful. She knows her daughter was NOT molested, most specially, NOT the way the child supposedly reported as there is no physical evidence to support it and there (in that case) would have been.

If you watch Ms. Lambs interview after the verdict, you can see clearly she is being untruthful based on her body language and eye movements.

The reality is this, Ms Lamb, Ms McDonald and Mr Henke planned this, they worked for hours getting the stories straight and even then, did not manage to do it on the stand.

Ms. Lamb didn't seem to be able to even remember that she came and picked her daughter up on Halloween but instead testified her daughter spent the night. Funny that, everyone else there said Lamb came and picked her up.

Small problem with this, young Lamb stated that she and another girl were assaulted that night and "laid in each others arms crying". The other girl testified nothing happened and in fact Lamb did not spend the night.

The lies in this case are legion.

Please tell me why I should believe Lamb and child and not believe ALL the other children that were present who ALL said Lamb never spent the night, never took a bath there (oh ya I just remembered, it wasn't the bath it was... THE KITCHEN), that in fact Lamb had only been to the house a few times and was NOT a regular as Ms. Lamb testified.

So I should believe her over the couple of dozen of other witnesses that range from children to adults who all contradict every blessed word that has spewed out of that idiots mouth.

Oh yes, you didn't get to hear all those witnesses because Gregor and Arnt didn't want you to. Well you should wander down to the local courthouse and poney up the cash for the case copy. It makes for fascinating reading along with all the depositions from those dozens of other witnesses...

Oh btw, grow a pair and post under your real name with a real email if you want to make stupid claims you cannot back up.

I hope that Sandra Lamb and the rest of the corrupt organziation out there get buried (legally) in a dark hole.

Anonymous said...

Sandra needs a psychiatrist in the worst way.

Anonymous said...

Kaye - when Suzi Thorne was on the stand, she said she was no longer at Greenhouse either. It was just "too much" and she went back to patrol or some other police dept job.

For the person who asked - yes, Tonya's daughter is seeing Ozbek. She is jerking Tonya around BIG time. I don't know a lot about her, but I'm sure Tonya and her attys would love to. :)

Anonymous said...

Good story - today, I had to visit a local mental hospital as a site visit since I've decided to go back to school for Forensic Psychology (not only am I genuinely interested in being a part of the solution - I was really propelled to try to make a difference in the future) I was in the recreational area and there were several patients having play time, and I had a chance to talk to several of the people who worked there as activity directors. They were SO supportive of Tonya and very sweet. They asked that I let Tonya and her supporters know they were behind and look forward to seeing positive change in the near future. I was told they believed with all their heart that Tonya was innocent and that they were so proud that she had so many people willing to stand up for her and fight. I just thought I'd share. (Also, as a side note...MANY of these types of facilities are in dire need of volunteers to do ALL types of jobs. I know that dealing with mentally disturbed individuals does not appeal to everyone, but there are things that need to be done beyond that. This facility has paper files from the 60-70's that need to be scanned and imaged. There aren't enough people to sit and do that long term so they rely on volunteers to help. If you ever have any extra time and want to give, I imagine that is one place that doesn't immediately come to mind.) Anyway, I told them all I'd pass it along so....have a good night!

Anonymous said...

Chickamauga city school system usually is cautious when accepting county families,they goofed big time.I would rather deal with Charles Manson over these women & least you know where he stands & he admits to being crazy.

Catoosa Mom said...


I must say that I ABSOLUTELY agree with your posts. I have followed this trial and blog almost to the point of

I am a "conservative", PTA, Stay at home mother of 3, and I can guarantee you that if I thought for one second that someone had hurt one of my children, I would be the first to act like a raging idiot. BUT, due to my obsession (I like to refer to it as a hobby, lol), I was able to see all the facts and know that this was an incredible farce to begin with. As a matter of fact, I was in the original jury pool and knew from Day 1.

Unfortunately, I do believe that in some sick, twisted way Sandra Lamb has convinced herself (maybe in the same form as the children through suggestive ideas) that something has happened to her daughter. Something like a PTSD, if you will. No SANE person, and she is obviously not, would continue this charade without some form of mental disorder or unless they thought it to be true. Even if someone is trying to "save face", usually one would just walk softly into the night and let it die down. I always tell my kids..."The more you stir it, the more it Stinks."

Six, I do appreciate your opinion and outlook on this crazy situation. Sometimes, its just nice to have some debatable material.

Thanks again to you Bill, wonderful as usual!

Anonymous said...

Per WDEF News 12: Catoosa County Releases Statement:

Attorneys for Catoosa County released a statement today reacting to Tonya Craft's 25-million-dollar lawsuit.

It says the county, sheriff's deparment, Sheriff Phil Summers and Detective Tim Deal do know about the lawsuit, but have not been served.

They're getting copies of the lawsuit and preparing a defense.

They usually don't comment on pending litigation, but said, "However, Catoosa County, Georgia, the Catoosa County Sheriff's Department, Sheriff Phil Summers and Detective Tim Deal deny any allegations of wrongdoing and state that any claims asserted in the lawsuit are unfounded and will be vigorously defended."

- Funny, eh?

Kaye said...


How much exactly did it cost for the case copy? I would LOVE to read it myself!

Kerwyn said...

It is 3.75 dollars a page.......

Kaye said...


Suzie Thorne is a Whitfield Co. deputy. She lacks integrity, character, and honesty. Come to think of it, I would have thought Sheriff Summers would have quickly added her to his staff since she shares some of the same character traits as Det. Deal.

Mom of 4 said...

Does anybody know any good counselors in Chattanooga. Our kids are ordered to have counseling. It has to be a licensed counselor. And yes ozbek is strange. Had my little girl in there when she was 4 we were told by her the child was retarded we found out a week later our little girl was hearing impaired. We adopted her from Russia and didn't know she was hearing impaired.

William L. Anderson said...

Actually, Channel 9 has a good story. Yeah, it pains me to say it, but I loved the line about the defendants being "hard to find."

Stacy Long also was the one who gave bogus testimony to convict Brad Wade, and all I can say is that I hope she pays dearly for the destruction she and her arrogant self have done. She and the rest of those "therapists" at the CAC are pure poison.

volfan69 said...

Mom of 4, Roy Smith at NorthPark Hospital in Hixson is a Christian Psychologist. I used him with my daughter. He, at that time, charged on a sliding scale-pay according to what you can and not a set price. He was a great help to my daughter. Her father left us and we had no idea where he was and we had nothing. She was in 6th grade at the time. She graduated from Baylor as a National Merit Scholarship winner and received a full scholarship to The University of the South. He was a tremendous help to her and me. Bobb

kbp said...

A thought SISTER should consider is talking to Tonya's attorney, King, about the case.

I'm sure he is interested in any similar cases and may at least have some helpful advice.

Anonymous said...

Unlawful Absences: Unlawful absences are absences from school for reasons other than those considered excusable under Georgia Law or this policy.

Lawful Absences: A lawful absence is any absence permitted by the policies and regulations of the local Board of Education in accordance with State laws and State Department of Education policies and regulations.

The following reasons have been established as lawful absences and students may be temporarily excused from school when:

1.Personally ill and when attendance in school would endanger their health or the health of others.
2.A serious illness or death in their immediate family necessitates absence from school
(immediate family of student is defined as parents, guardian(s), grandparents, siblings, and other adults living in the home).
3.Mandated by order of governmental agencies, including pre-induction physical examinations for service in the armed forces, or by court order.
4.Celebrating religious holidays observed by the student's faith.
5.Conditions render attendance impossible or hazardous to their health and safety.
6.Registering to vote or voting for a period not to exceed one day.

When a parent finds it necessary for a student to be out of school for any reason other than those listed above, prior approval must be obtained from the school administrator. While the absences may be unlawful, the administrator may grant permission for work to be made up that would affect a course/subject grade for passing without affecting exam exemptions.

Individual students who must be absent from school for a portion of the school day must attend school for one half of the instructional day to be counted present for that day. However, the student will be counted absent from those classes which are missed because of late arrival or early dismissal. When a student is excused for a portion of the school day, the student shall be released only to a legal parent or guardian, to a person properly identified to school authorities on the student's emergency contact sheet, or upon written request or verified telephone call from the parents or guardian.

Before admission to class upon returning to school following an absence, a student must report to the school principal or his/her designee with a written note from a parent, guardian, physician, or legal authority stating the reason for the absence. These notes should be dated and give the date of the absence, state the reason for the absence and have the parent's/guardian's signature. The principal or his designee at their discretion may require a physician's statement for absences due to illness if the student has been absent more than four (4) consecutive days or in cases where absences have reached the maximum ten (10) days per school year for elementary for illness and a maximum seven (7) days per school year for middle school and high school for illness. In other words, the school system will only accept parent notes for a total of ten (10) absences per year for elementary for illness and seven (7) absences per year for middle and high school for illness. Once this number is reached, all further absences will require a physician's note in order to be excused. The principal has administrative discretion if extenuating circumstances exists. The principal or designee will also determine whether an absence is lawful in accordance with policies and regulations of the Chickamauga City Board of Education, which are based on the compulsory attendance law. Excuses not received within three (3) days of the student's returning to school will not be accepted and the absence will be counted as an unlawful absence.

KC Sprayberry said...

Oh wow. I just looked Nicky Ozbek's website and was horrified. This woman claims to help kids but is so out of date on her presentations and publications, they're in the last decade. Maybe she hasn't updated that information but that alone would make me run from her. Treating kids is a ever evolving science. Oh. The picture would scare me away, and my kids would never talk to her. This woman appears to be another dirty trick by Tonya's ex to keep her daughter away from her. Lousy.

Anonymous said...

anon.8:44,are you refering to Sandras daughter missing the last two weeks of school?

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that Reagan get's special treatment.

Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve said...

Victoria @6:40 responding to lookout spy @5:53.

Both of you omitted the most important qualification for the open LMJC assistant district attorney position that was posted on, the dress code.

Thongs are required for the performance of all duties, official or otherwise and Buzzard will be vigorously enforcing the code.

Anonymous said...

Sherri Wilson,the businesses in down town Chickamauga no longer want you to shop in our stores.We can survive without your money.Please do not come back.

Anonymous said...

When did Chickamauga get a Lane Bryant? Is there a Cato Plus?


Polished Turd

Anonymous said...

Tim Deal also tried to railroad my brother with phony charges saying he tried soliciting a minor online (who never existed by the way and that he did not but still Deal seized his computer). They had to drop their case (they had zero evidence to convict him on - he didn't try to solicit anyone online, btw)but he was still humiliated by being in the local paper and media. My dad tried to convince him to sue dumb arse Deal-weed but my brother was too afraid to. Bring them all down Tonya!

Anonymous said...

Lambs,Wilsons,Mcdonalds & Henkes,you can run but you can't hide.Oh yeah neither can you Miriam.

William L. Anderson said...

Kerwyn is spot on with her post tonight. Don't think for a second that these women and Joal Henke actually believed Tonya molested their daughters. And Kerwyn is right in noting that even with coaching from the prosecution and the CAC staffers, the parents and the kids still could not get the stories straight.

Furthermore, whenever it was obvious that the defense had witnesses or other evidence that trashed the prosecution's theories, well, Facebook and The Man, with the help of their good buddy Outhouse, simply made the exculpatory evidence off-limits to the jury. If you think the verdict was a rout, keep in mind what would have happened had the defense actually been permitted to show its full hand.

Someone emailed me and said that last year, Sandra Lamb would tell anyone who would hear that Tonya Craft molested her daughter, and that Lamb was going to make her pay. Whether it was at the store, at church, at the beauty shop, or wherever, it was always the same: Tonya Craft molested her daughter and Tonya Craft would pay, ad nauseum.

That Buzz Franklin and his minions would try to claim that the jury missed a "compelling case for conviction" means one of only two things: (1) The prosecution staff of the LMJC is utterly stupid and incompetent and cannot tell a "compelling" case from a bad one, or (2) the prosecutor and his staff are utterly craven, dishonest, and would just as soon convict an innocent person as a guilty one.

I will let you decide which one is true.

dmk said...

I've been obsessed with this case from the beginning, and as more and more details dribble out that weren't mentioned in the media coverage of the trial, some things become more clear, but some things less so.

One thing I'm wondering about maybe someone could shed some more light on. Summers mentioned "other accusers" in one of his media appearances, and I have seen mentioned there were other accusers with outlandish stories. However, the only bit I've seen filling in that part of the story was I read mention of a young boy who supposedly took a picture of him exposing himself on his mother's cell phone and said he was directed to do that by Tonya Craft. Was that it, or was there more?

My line of thinking is as follows - let's assume for a second that Summers, Deal, Arnt, Gregor, etc all were acting with good intentions (I know, I know, but humor me). If there were multiples of other accusers, and their stories were too outlandish to believe, then why believe the other three, who had some pretty unbelievable stuff (the fist insertion, etc) of their own? If you assume it's just a rumor mill hysteria with the others, then why not hysteria with the three too?

Someone from the prosecution side may argue they just didn't have the evidence to back up the other accuser's claims so didn't bring charges, but my answer is they obviously didn't have a shred of real evidence with the three either, so why should that have stopped them?

I'm wondering if a similar line of logic won't be used by Tonya's attorneys in the civil suit.

Anonymous said...

My child attends CES and I am not in any "in" group, nor do I have money to contribute. However, I have always been treated with kindness by Mrs. Bradley and I am glad to have the Wilson, McDonald and Lamb children at CES. These kids need to heal and this school is just the place to provide them with protection and support- even though some of you scare me. No wonder Raegan did not get to finish out school with her class. I wouldn't send my daughter to class with all this hateful talk going around either. All of this hate trickles down to the kids. I wish you would think about that before you rant with such malice. The kids are innocent victims. Besides, Raegan and the McDonald kids are some of the most well-behaved kids at CES.

Lookout Spy said...

Mr Gildersleeve, yellow thongs are the uniform de rigeur of the qualified soon to be defacto Assistant DA, yes, very important we set our criteria clearly for the dress code, you are so correct!

Anonymous said...

The standard of guilt in a civil case is far less stringent than in a criminal case. I would assume the public defendants in the civil proceedings would settle and do it quickly. There are standard practices in child molestation investigations that were clearly ignored and can be easily proven by TC's attorneys. As for the private defendants, I suspect they will claim to have fully believed their children, the investigators, counselors, prosecutors and advocates who all said "your children have indeed been molested." As someone posted earlier, "it will be like a terrible tornado where some of the guilty are destroyed while others standing right next to them remain unscathed." (paraphrased)


Polished Turd

Anonymous said...

I too have e-mailed you with thoughts and some facts. When I worked @ Hutcheson Sharon Anderson was suspicious of every parent that brought a child through the doors of the E.R. no matter what the symptoms. It could be something as simple as a child being dehydrated from a stomach virus and she would automatically blame the parents..."They were neglectful by not giving enough fluids" She would say and I quote " I'm always suspicious of abuse.......' I won't finish the quote but Bill knows what it was. I find it odd that in her testimony she used the word "suspicious" to describe her findings. I'm not going to post my name but if that one small bit of information would help in a court of law I would testify to it. This is not slander, it is from her mouth to my ears. Someone with that mentality has not business examining children for abuse.

Anonymous said...

DC,no one has anything against any of these children directly. However, the school is not the most appropriate place for them to do their healing. In addition, they're actions affect the other children as well who are not involved. As Mrs. Kythias said in her testimony, the Lamb child was masterbating in the middle of class. No, she may not be a bad child, but her actions would have an impression upon her peers, and is quite a distraction that affects the learning environment for the other children. The healing for that does not need to take place in the classroom. No one has any malice towards these children and that is what is so wonderful about the community around CES. Although, the parents of the aforementioned children need to take into account what is the more appropriate environment they need to heal, and returning them to an environment of continual rememberence of what supposedly happened is not an action that would seem to be the most appropriate, especially when the school is in a community that you don't even live in.

kbp said...

"...I would assume the public defendants in the civil proceedings would settle and do it quickly."

Any settlement decisions by insurance companies will be based on the policy limits and what they believe a defense will cost.

The individuals will have much lower limits in their coverage, so I anticipate their insurance companies will be the first to fold. That does not necessarily mean the defendant will be dropped from the lawsuit, they may just be stuck on their own then.

Anonymous said...

DC,are you just as crazy as Sandra?School if for children to learn,not to heal.

Anonymous said...

DC,your kids must not be in the classroom with the Lamb girl.Do you want your kid around a 10 year old pleasing herself in front of the class?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:18 quit name calling!

grits said...

@10:18 Please go back and read the posts... veryly slowly. Then if you have questions about the content we'll be glad to set you straight.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:22 you are disgusting!

Anonymous said...

DC,where do we draw the line.Is it ok for high school student's to have sex at school because they are healing & need to work through things?Not much difference from the Lamb girl & you seem to be ok with that.

grits said...

Like SIX, I’m not from the area and so I don’t have a personal bias of seeing these people as they go about in the churches, schools, hairdresser, etc. I can very well imagine that seeing how they act and have acted for the last year would make me see red and I would be one of the least objective people on this blog. I truly understand that.

No matter how despicable the adults act, the children must be viewed by all of us as victims. They will desperately try to make what is in their lives the truth because their innate instinct is to the truth. They cannot alienate the love of their parents. They are children. They act like children and sometimes that might be pretty snotty, or even telling… lies? Did you not understand ANY of the Defense’s arguments?

I sincerely expect that there are people in the school system, the churches and the neighborhoods who are quietly protecting EACH of the children involved in this case. To those people, thank you.

I cannot express the contempt I feel for people who use a forum like this to hurt children.

Anonymous said...

How is 10:22 disgusting?Do you want your child to see that?I do not.

Anonymous said...


What type of insurance can a private citizen (S Lamb) purchase to protect their financial security if they falsely accuse someone of child molestation and ruin the accused's life?


Polished Turd

William L. Anderson said...

Time out, everyone!

I don't think that DC was advocating that children "please themselves" in class or is excusing what Sandra Lamb and her gang of liars have done.

She is just saying that she and her children have not been treated badly at CES, and I would hope we can respect what she is saying.

In my post coming tomorrow, I take aim at the CAC and the Greenhouse, and I expect everyone to be in full riot gear for that one. So, please, let us not waste ammo on DC, who doesn't deserve to be shot at, anyway, and use it on the CAC, the Greenhouse, and those who have supported this gang of criminals.

Anonymous said...

Grits: I'm with you regarding the children.

Anonymous 10:32 has used this forum to hurl terrible words with a viciousness I have not seen from anyone else in my life. May God forgive her. Jesus said to protect the children.

KC Sprayberry said...

Now I know at least one of the kids realizes this is all a lie. And her mom needs a huge reality check. Many, many years ago, my 5 yo made the same claim about her babysitter, prompted (as I found out 9 years later) by her much older step brother and step sister). I sought treatment immediately, even before notifying law enforcement. I listened to the doctors and therapists suggestions about how to handle the situation. I prayed a lot and hoped for a good outcome. But not once did I ever discuss what had happened with anyone outside a very tight circle of family and friends. Most of our family and friends never knew what went on. And I would have never spoken of that horror in public in any way, not even to ensure everyone else knew about the alleged molester. There's shame and fear attached to this situation. Nothing about these peoples actions indicates to me that they've ever suspected there is any truth to these accusations. When my daughter returned to school, after three weeks of treatment in a mental health facility, her teachers knew a little of the problem, enough to work with her and make sure she did nothing inappropriate in class. This whole act put on by that child is nothing more than an attention getting scheme, to make everyone believe what is a lie. Unfortunately, the damage is done and those girls will live with the sense of well being and acceptance they gained by being figuratively patted on the head by these people and given gifts for telling these stories. The real punishment will come to those parents in about 20 years - when they are on the receiving end of those same accusations or confronted by their kid about how they used them in a vicious plot to get even with someone. I speak from experience on the first issue but my kid never gave me a hard time for making her do what these girls did. The real bad part is, after finding out my daughter and step children lied, I cannot find the young woman whose life they destroyed and apologize. I've prayed about this and finally stopped looking for her. I do hope one day I will have the chance to let her know I was caught up in the mes as much as she was and only did what I thought appropriate.

KC Sprayberry said...

Looking forward to tomorrow, Bill. And have to sign off for the night. Unfortunately, even with school out, I don't catch a break on getting up before the birds. I must say you've really opened my eyes and given me the courage to step up to help stop this travesty. Even if all we can do is send letters, lots of letters, to our elected representatives, we're still doing a service to the falsely accused.

Anonymous said...

Mr Anderson, there is only one Anonymous attacking DC. She may hid behind the moniker and pretend to be more than one person but her verbige and misuse of basic often gives her away.
From previou comments one can surmise she had/has a child at CES and doesn't believe her child has received special treatment like the Lamb child has. Well, mature understand that life isn't fair and don't act like a spiteful child. I really feel sorry for her child. Her child needs healing at school from her terrible, terrible personality displayed here.

kbp said...

Polished Turd:

"What type of insurance can a private citizen (S Lamb) purchase to protect their financial security if they falsely accuse someone of child molestation and ruin the accused's life?"

I have no doubt their homeowner's policy has coverage for personal liability. Depending upon their net worth and capabilities to plan well for managing unforseen risks, they may also have a rider policy.

Vince said...

Any insurance folks on here? Clearly, no individual defendant has a policy covering this so they are financial toast (even if they win). However, most of the allegations are about intentional conduct, something that an insurance company usually does NOT cover. So the lawsuit against the state actors may not be covered. There are other claims that are based on negligence which can be covered if there is a policy. However, I do not know if an insurance company would take a case with both intentional and negligence allegations. Anyone know the answer?

kbp said...

I should have called that an "umbrella policy".

Anonymous said...

Mom of 4:
I would recommend Dr. Tim Sisemore with CBI Counseling on McCallie Ave. in Chattanooga. Great Christian guy.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:52 all of my children have been treated great at CES.

kbp said...

I believe the insurance companies will be obligated to cover them until it is proven to be an "intentional" act, and by then the limits (guessing half to a million per policy) may be exhausted in the cost to defend them.

I'm not certain that the policy will not cover such anyway, when the person making the claim is not the individual(s) named on the policy.

kbp said...

Does any person here know if Georgia has a 'homestead' act or law?

Anonymous said...


Homeowner's can cover a broad range of situations and liabilities, so you may be correct.

I do sell, but thankfully it's not insurance.


Polished Turd

Cinderella said...

I was referred to Nicky YEARS ago (SOME 15 + YEARS AGO) for an eval on my son who was 6 years old. He was to be tested for ADHD. We NEVER received a written report from her only a bill from Erlanger.I wrote a lettter to Erlanger stating that I would be happy to pay the bill WHEN I recieved a report on her findings. They only thing she gave us was a one page letter that requested that we put him on a double blind study for her post grad study. I then took our son to "Dr. George" (he wasn't a phd at the time) but Dr. George provided us with solid testing results, reports and reccomendations for treatment. When I saw that she was still around here, I was shocked. Sounds like she hasn't changed at all. She is a POS

KC Sprayberry said...

Okay, I said I had to quit for the night but couldn't resist checking out LMJC's website about that job. To my amazement, on the home page, there's a thank you from Judge House to all those named in the civil suit filed by TC. Honestly, does he really think we'll accept his word they did a great job?

Anonymous said...

anon 10:52,you sound like pure evil!How can you look at yourself in the mirror?

Anonymous said...

10:52 was the verbige correct?

kbp said...

Very OT

Watch the LIVE CAM as they work on the oil leak in the gulf.

Anonymous said...

How many page are in the case copy? Do I go to Norman Stones office to get a copy? Will someone please help me with these answers?

kbp said...

Thank You!
Judge House would like to extend his sincere gratitude to the Catoosa County Sheriff's Deputies, all Officers, Bailiffs, maintenance personnel, his Court Reporter Janet, and Michael Caldwell for their support during the recent trial.

He would also like to thank Judges Wood, Graham and Van Pelt for covering for him during this time and taking up the slack caused by his absence.

That's not all that bad, he's thanking staff and those that covered for him.

Kellie Graham said...

Wow, I've been on vacation but a lot is going on here tonight! I am a huge Tonya Craft supporter, even b/f she & the case became so popular. However in fairness for DC, my children have always been treated well at CES & GLMS. So blame the education system involved, it's not true heart of the issues here. The school worked as well as any system with areas of large parent involvement. I believe the issues of favoritism are only, if occured, isolated incidents. Because again as stress by Tonya supporters b/f the trial, the incidences cited against her where "alleged" and the same could be said for the school system. Again, there are far larger issues here.

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